Stiles is kidnapped part 2

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Derek held Stiles tighter and rushed over to Lydia. Picking up the strawberry haired girl he held both teens and ran to his car.

Lydia sat in the back holding Stiles head in her lap. Looking down at the boy she had come to care for her heart ached. She couldn't lose him. She loved him. She wasn't sure in what way but she knew she loved him and that he loved her.

He's the only one who ever really saw her. He couldn't die. He won't die Lydia decided looking down at Stiles while holding her hands down on his bleeding side.

Looking up she saw Derek sending concerned glances at them. She knew that something was going on between them both and while she loved Stiles Lydia knew that she'd never get in the way of what they had.

Signing she ran a hand through Stiles hair silently begging him to wake up.

Derek pressed his foot on the gas harder trying not to look back at Stiles and Lydia who were both covered in blood and failing. This was his fault. He should have noticed that Stiles was gone. He should have answered his phone. He should have done something.

Parking his car in the front Derek opened the door and carried Stiles into the hospital with Lydia behind him. "We need a doctor!"

It was all a blur at that point. People running over to them. Stiles being taken from him. People yelling out things and then them leaving with Stiles. Derek heard a sniffle behind him. Turning around he saw Lydia in tears.

"It's my fault. I should have felt something right? I should have noticed! He hadn't been at school and he didn't send any of us a yet or call and I'm supposed to be smart! I should notice these things! Instead I was at the mall of all places complaining about my life when my best friend was kidnapped and hurt." With a son Lydia fell to the floor and covered her face with her hands. Pieces of her hair stuck to her face and her fingers trembled.

Softly Derek bent down and picked her up. Sitting down he placed her next to him and held her. He didn't stop his tears this time. Both waited for everyone else to come hoping that the boy who meant so much to them would come out of this alive.

-with the others-
Kira watched Lydia and Derek go before turning back to everyone else. Her eyes found the sheriff. She couldn't help but feel choked up when she looked at him.

He and Stiles didn't have the same eye color but both of them showed how they felt with their eyes. Kira couldn't help but to worry that she won't ever see anything other than blankness in Stiles eyes.

"Melissa said they just pulled up." John whispered before turning around and walking back towards his car.

Scott frowned as everyone followed John and Kira back. "Are none of you going to say anything!? Someone is about to die because we let that witch get away! We could have made a deal with her. She said she liked Stiles so she wouldn't have killed him and she didn't. He's at the hospital he'll be fine. We have to track down the witch and stop her or warn her sister! She was probably lying anyway." Scott looked at the group expectantly.

John shook his head and looked at Scott in disbelief. "What happened to you Scott? What happened to the boy who would do just about anything for my son? What happened to the boy who was always there for my kid? I know it wasn't becoming a werewolf. You'd leave Stiles behind before that. I just never realized it until now. What happened to the boy I helped raise? To the boy who I always thought of as a second son? I don't know who you are anymore when I look at you."

Scott watched with a shocked expats John gave him one last sad look and turned around walking away with everyone else following him. Sitting down on a tree stump he put his head in his hands.

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora