Stiles is so done

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Stiles frowned as Chris Argent started yelling at-
Well at everyone.

"-rabid beasts! The bite does change you and my sister and father were at fault and have done terrible things but your kind has as well! Allison you can't hang out with them anymore or date Scott or Issac! Lydia if you know what's good for you you'll follow Allison. Stiles, you-"

Stiles didn't know what the girls would choose. He didn't think anyone had realized Ms. McCall and his dad slowly walk in. Or Danny hit the record button on his phone. But he didn't care. Not when this man would dare to tell him that he should abandon his friends.

"Oh shut up!" And there it goes. His mouth opened before he was finished ranting in his head.

Chris stares at him with a slightly opened mouth. "You just keep yapping away about how terrible they are. You know what you seem like to me? A racist. Because you don't know any of them! You don't know a single thing about them! You just judge them because they aren't like you. And it's scary and you are allowed to feel scared but you've had your whole life to get over it! You have a problem with Scott and Issac being werewolf's and either dating or wanting to date your daughter. Would you have a problem if a very human girl wanted it or did date your daughter? Or someone who was a different race?"

Stiles ignored the wide eyed looks all the werewolf's were giving him. He stared Argent straight in the eye. Watching how he opened his mouth to speak before closing it.

"The very least you can do is get to know them before you decide if they are monsters or evil. Get to know them like your daughter did. And if you do still think they are monsters or whatever then fine. But don't you dare tell me or anyone else what to do. Allison is eighteen years old she can make her own decisions and she doesn't have to listen to you about this. You have absolutely no right to make this type of choice for anyone but yourself. You can say what you think but that's all." Stiles glared up at the man. His chin was pointed up slightly, something that happened when he made a decision and no one could change his mind.

"I-It's not like that- I never thought-" Chris stuttered with a look of guilt and shock on his face. He never thought that that's how he and his family acted. It couldn't be true. He didn't want it to be true but it was. Looking the groups of kids in front of him. Kids. They were kids and he, a grown man, was calling them monsters. For something they couldn't control.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at the man before nodding his head and walking out the room while grumbling under his breath, "idiotic hunters. Stupid werewolf's. Fucking supernatural." Scott grinned slightly, Stiles would always be Stiles.

Everyone else stared at Stiles retreating back. The Sheriff had a small proud smile While Melissa and Danny were both smirking. (They called it.) Lydia couldn't help but notice the way Derek seemed to go a bit star eyed while looking at Stiles.

It's not the second part but I just had to write this down. Anyways sorry for the Chris bashing. And since Lydia is with Jackson I decided I'll have a hint of sterek. Anyways I hope you like it! Part 2 of the last chapter should be up soon and I might even have another one-shot for y'all.

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now