Mr. Dad

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Stiles glared down at his phone, it had several messages from Isaac.

The scarf hog had gone back to Beacon Hills as a high school counselor and somehow adopted several supernatural teens. And for some reason he decided that Stiles was the best person to help him with that even when he didn't live there anymore.

So here he was, at 4am in the morning, searching up about some creature.

Stiles was slightly relieved that his dad and Mrs. McCall didn't live there anymore. Sure the Stilinski house was still there for whenever they wanted to visit but no one had been back in a year.

But Isaac wasn't even texting him about any of that. Oh no, the curly haired man was having a freak out because one of the teens called him dad. And now Isaac was asking him to come back for a week or so to help him deal with it.

Stiles did not want to do that.

For one thing he already did it and ended up with purple slime all over him. And no one actually knew that Isaac was living there and Stiles was in contact with him and both were now the adults of a group of supernatural teens.

"My life," Stiles muttered darkly when his phone pinged with another text.

With a groan he slammed his head against the back of his chair before getting up and calling his boss.

Isaac better give him the bed when he gets down there.

Home sweet home here I come, Stiles thought with a bitter sweet smile.


As soon as he pulled up to Isaac's apartment he felt dread fill his stomach. Somehow he just knew this little vacation will end up with him having to deal with more that Isaac's freak out.

"Oh honey! I'm home!" Stiles yelled as he opened the door to his friends apartment.

He was met with five young faces and one Isaac  Lahey

"Oh, I take this is the horde of children you unofficial adopted?" Stiles asked with a small quirk of his lips.

Before Isaac could reply a brown haired girl spoke up, "So your like our second supernatural dad? I mean Mr. Lahey is our first but he said you help him which means you help us."

A boy, Stiles distantly remembered him from his last visit, nodded eagerly, "He got covered in slime last time! The troll was aiming for me but then he jumped in front of me."

The look in the kids eyes made Stiles want to turn and run. He knew as soon as the kid said that they immediately trusted him. Just like how he and the others were in the beginning. Before they had faced all the horrors of the world.

Although part of him was happy about that. It meant Isaac and in a way he himself had protected these kids well. Certainly enough for them to trust someone for simply saving one of their lives.

"Uh yeah," Stiles said awkwardly before walking towards Isaac.

"So is this a pack bonding thing or did something happen between now and the last time we talked?" Isaac gave him a sheepish grin.

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now