Sciles friendship is adorable

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"I'm surprised you don't need summer school again McCall!" A voice called out as students started to leave their final classes.

Stiles stiffened up slightly and saw his friend's smile drop every so slightly.

He looked towards the rest of the pack members and watched with dread as none of them made a move to defend Scott.

It wasn't surprising, as much as everyone loved Scott everyone seemed to forget that the boy wasn't dumb. Sure he hadn't done as well in school last year and his grades do drop every now and then but that's to be expected when you spend more time trying to save lives than study for your next test.

Stiles knows that his friend has never done well with multitasking. He's always needed a set schedule and ever since they found out about the supernatural that schedule has had many changes.

It wasn't fair, thought Stiles, it wasn't fair that his friend was classified as the dumb one because he was oblivious and was busy trying to save everyone.

"What? Too dumb to answer me McCall? Your friends won't even defend you because they know it's true!" The voice that was far away was now close.

Stiles and the others turned to see a teenage boy standing behind them with a smug smirk. Stiles vaguely recognized him as a face he'd seen a few times in the hall and maybe he's even shared a class with this kid in freshman year.

Stiles watched as Scott's smile became fixed and strained. He watched as the others started to frown but seemed lost on what to say.

Well that was fine, Stiles had no problem putting this asshole in his place.

Just as he opened his mouth a hand grabbed his arm and started pulling him away.

"C'mon Stiles, I don't want you getting detention for me." Scott mumbled as he started to drag his friend away.

Before Stiles could say anything in reply the teen spoke up again.

"No, let him McCall. What can he say to defend you anyways? Everyone knows your an idiot!" The teen said with a sneer.

Scott's steps faltered for a moment and his shoulders slumped. Stiles felt something in his snap at that, he hasn't seen his friend look like that for years. Not since his dad was kicked out by Melissa.

It had taken a long time for Stiles, Mrs. McCall and the Sheriff to build Scott's confidence up. He was not going to see his friend become unsure of his every move and tell himself he wasn't good enough. He won't let that happen again.

With a growl his turned around and walked towards the other teen. He wasn't sure what he looked like but apparently it was scary enough that the boy took a few steps back.

"An idiot? You think Scott McCall is an idiot? The same Scott McCall who who got an A in Mrs. Ells biology class freshman year when everyone else got a C or lower? Including Lydia Martin. The same Scott McCall who was awarded a presidential award in middle school?" Stiles snarled

As the boy opened and closed his mouth he took a look around and saw students had started to come over and look at what was happening. Stiles zeroed in on a face he recognized.

"Cassie right?" He asked and at the girls nod he continued, "Do you remember in freshman year when you were out sick for a week and came back and we had a test the next day? Do you remember how you weren't allowed to take it later? Do you remember who helped you study? Scott did! And do you remember how you got an A on that test because of him?"

Stiles watched as the girl's face turned guilty as she nodded shyly while looking at Scott who was staring at him with wide eyes.

Stiles didn't bother seeing what anyone would say, instead he turned to another student.

"What about you Michael? Do you remember when Scott and I found you on the bathroom floor having a breakdown because you didn't get your homework done? Do you remember how he gave you his homework and let you copy it? Do you remember how the next day you all but tackled us in excitement when you got full points for it?" Stiles asked in an accusatory tone.

The boy in question turned red when almost everyone turned to look at him.

Stiles turned to another student with a sharp grin on his face.

"How about you Angel? You and Scott had this group project a few months ago. Do you remember that? Do you remember how you weren't able to do a lot because you had to go visit your grandma for nearly a week? Do you remember how you were panicking the whole time and thought you'd both get a failing grade?" Stiles asked with a dark look.

"Do you remember when you came back and the entire project was done except for the more artistic part? Do you remember how you both got one of the best grades in the entire class? And now Mr. Randle asked to keep your project so he could use it as an example?" Stiles asked.

"But none of you want to remember any of that do you? No, it's so easy to just ignore what you want. And that's fine. Ignore what you want. But don't ever insult my best friend in front of me again." Stiles snapped before turning around and dragging Scott out of the school.

Stiles was still fuming when they got to Scott's house. The other boy hadn't spoken but his shoulders had relaxed and his face wasn't as closed off.

"You didn't have to do that," Scott said suddenly.

Stiles shrugged, "I didn't have to but I wanted to. And I'll do it again. Your my best friend Scott. The only one allowed to call you a dumbass is me and that's only when you are being a dumbass."

Scott snorted and threw a pillow at his friend.

Yeah, Stiles thought with a grin, things would be just fine.

This is basically based on the first season when Scott got a paper back with a bad grade and a note that said something like "this isn't like you see me after class" do not take me word for word for this. But that's basically what it was.

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara