Stiles saves a party and ends up adopting some kids

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Stiles sat at one of the back tables near a corner. The mayor had decided to invite the whole town to some sort of party. Everyone was either wearing the fakest smile they could while talking to someone or somehow enjoying this.

Tugging at his tie distractedly he pulled he looked over his shoulder towards the doors. Maybe if he was quick enough he could leave without anyone noticing. His phone vibrated with a text from his father.

"Well there goes that idea," Stiles grumbled before stuffing the phone in his pocket. He could see most of the pack standing with each other. Jackson and Lydia were with both their parents at the moment while Scott was talking with Melissa and Allison. His dad sent him a warning look when he caught his eye.

Which really that wasn't fair at all. He was actually dressed nicely and in clothes that weren't super baggy. Besides he's stayed for over two hours which was an accomplishment itself.

Leaning back he looked at the ceiling with a annoyed frown. Pursing his lips he looked towards the seat next to him when he felt someone come over.

A small kid who looked as miserable as Stiles felt sat next to him. After seeing that he held his attention the kid started talking. "Mama made me come to the party. She said it'd be fun but Sally's birthday was more fun and we didn't even get to have ice cream at her party!"

Stiles could get up and move away. He could ignore the kid. He could go join literally anyone else and act like he enjoyed being here. But he didn't enjoy being here and if he couldn't leave he might as well try to make it a little fun for some random kid.

"Oh yeah? I went to a party like that one. They didn't even have cake there!" The kid looked up at him in horror. "Yeah it was terrible! And we couldn't leave for hours. Kinda like this party actually." Stiles swore that he severely other kids were suddenly closer to his table.

"It's just so boring here! And mama won't even pay attention to me unless it's to say that I need to calm down and behave. But I'm being very good! I didn't even make a mess when pouring a drink!" Stiles nodded solemnly at that.

"Yeah buddy it's really boring here. But good job on not spilling anything! I might have to have you teach me how to do that. I still miss the cup sometimes! Can you believe it? Someone as big and old as me can't even pour myself a glass of juice! A shame I tell you!" The kid let out a giggle as Stiles talked.

Before either of them could say anything else a light voice spoke up on his other side causing his knee to hit the table. "Well my daddy won't talk to me either! He just tells me to go play but when I tried to play my mommy glared at me! And this dress is itchy now and I'm hungry." Stiles blinked at the little girl who was pouting at him.

"I'll talk to one of the staff members and see when the food will come out. Either of you want a snack? They might have some." As he waved down one of the waiters.

"Hey dude so do you know when the food it coming out? I got two hungry kids right here." The waiter who looked about nineteen paled and looked over his shoulder fearfully.

"Hey what's wrong-" the waiter shook his head before bringing him over towards a corner.

"Something went wrong and the food that was ordered won't be here for at least four more hours! Only the mayor, us, and now you know. I have a couples of packets or crackers for them  but nothing else. And the mayor won't order anything else since he wanted to impress everyone with some fancy meals." Before he could say anything the older boy walked away before coming back with several tiny bags of crackers.

"Take these and give them to the kids. If they start complaining to their parents then people will notice sooner." Giving him a small nod Stiles walked back towards his table which was once empty but now had five kids sitting there.

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now