This Escalated Quickly

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I'm writing this because this happened to me like right now

"Stiles I told you you'd need goggles!" Scott hissed while watching his friends whine in pain.

And Stiles knew Scott was right, he was always right every time they went to the pool. But Stiles didn't like how the goggles felt.

He still should have worn them.

Because now he could barely see anything that was farther then five feet or not straight in front of him. It's not that he couldn't see it's that it was almost like there was fog and blue glare around his eyes.

So yeah, he couldn't see.

But it would wear off soon and then it'll be nothing but pain

"I know! I know! Can't we just tell Derek that I can't come to the meeting today? It's not like I'll be any use anyways." Stiles muttered as he squinted his eyes slightly

Scott shook his head, "No man, he and Cora and even Peter came down for some important reason. Besides Lydia or Malia will track you down because they'll know something has to be wrong because you always come to the meetings. Besides this is the first time most of us will see each other in person since...y'know."

And Stiles did know.

Because apparently everyone who was dead came back and it just fucked everyone up even more. The last few months was a weird mix of talking non stop with each other or going radio silent for weeks at a time.

"Malia already knows, first time I went to the pool with her she freaked out because she could sense the pain and stuff. She told me that she'd have eye drops for when we come over."

Scott hummed as he helped Stiles get into the car.

"Lydia probably knows but I don't think anyone else knows how your eyes get after being in the pool for over three hours. Liam probably won't leave your side." Scott said with a teasing smile.

"Yeah yeah, he gets that from you. Just try to distract them, yeah? I'd rather not have everyone seeing me have watery eyes."

"Sure dude."

Soon enough both boys had arrived at the newly built Hale House.

Stiles squeezed his eyes closed as he felt that oh so familiar burning feeling. The painful part had started.

"Say the word and we'll leave, I know it's not easy for you to do much of anything like this," Scott said.

Stiles nodded his head silently before grabbing Scott's hand so that it'll be easier for him to get inside without tripping over anything. Even if his vision wasn't as blurry it wasn't easy to see when he was either blinking his eyes rapidly or trying to keep them open because of the pain.

Stiles didn't bother looking at anyone, those who had died and come back or those those who had stayed alive despite everything, although he did sit by Malia and soon enough the 'puppy pack' was sitting next to him and Scott was in front of them.

Apparently Scott and Stiles had become weird olde brothers/parents to some of them and both had a weird relationship with Theo.

Soon enough they were discussing some sort of monster or person who had been following the Hales and most likely following the rest of them. Stiles wasn't really sure what was going on since he was trying to focus on not rubbing his eyes.

Distantly he could feel Malia squeeze his hand, she and Scott along with Lydia would tell him about the meeting later.

Unless Lydia was with Allison and Aiden. Which he wouldn't blame her for that, she was barely even looking at those who had come back.

Scott on the other hand had refused to even look at anyone who had died after he saw them for the first time. None of them blamed him for that, especially not Stiles who more often that not had to hold the young alpha as he cried himself to sleep or screamed into a pillow.

"-might be why they have all been brought back." Peter said.

Stiles blinked around the room before rubbing his eyes.

Oh boy, that was mistake, Stiles thought as he felt the sudden burning behind his eyes.

He could feel Scott's hand on his shoulder and Malia's hand squeeze his hand tighter.

As long as no one else noticed-

"Now that we've finished explaining, is there a reason our favorite human hasn't been paying attention and looks like he's been crying?"

Fuck Peter Hale, Stiles thought fiercely.

"I don't see how that's any of your business," Scott snapped while moving in front of Stiles protectively.

Lydia looked at Stiles with a raised eyebrow before shaking her head fondly, "You went to the pool without goggles again didn't you?"

Stiles glowered at her, or at least somewhat at her. It was hard to glare at someone when you had watery eyes.

"Oh! That use to happen to me all the time." Liam said with a understanding grimace.

Mason nodded along with him, "It's true. And he was always such a baby about it."

"Look it doesn't matter, just continue with whatever this is-"

"Whatever this is? If you don't even know what we're talking about then why are you here?" Jackson snapped.

Stiles glared at him before blinking rapidly, he squeezed his eyes shut and felt another hand wrap about his other hand.

"If you rub them it'll hurt more," Malia muttered.

Stiles didn't give her a verbal answer but he did lean his head against her shoulder.

"Let's get carry on for now," Chris said:

"Carry on my wayward son," Stiles mumbled under his breath ignoring the harsh glare he could feel on the back of his neck.

He was probably having a mental breakdown as well since he never actually took in the fact that so many people who had died were suddenly back and looked so young that it hurt.

He was twenty-five now and Allison still looked eighteen and Erica and Boyd had serious baby face and it all hurt so much because they were just kids.

He was just a kid then. They all were.

And he didn't even want to think about Aiden and Ethan who were basically identical and even if Ethan still had a bit of a baby face anyone could tell that he looked older.

And the fact that the Hale pack might actually be alive or not exactly dead made things complicated.

So yeah, Stiles might be having a bit of a breakdown but he'll blame it on his eyes and have the breakdown in his room with Scott, Malia and Lydia later on.

Although part of him was starting to get pissed off that even after all these years the universe or whoever still wasn't done with them.

I don't know what happened this was supposed to be short one shot with Stiles and eyes that are messed up from chlorine. Then this happened.

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now