Catching up Mitch/ BajanCandian

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After Notch's pointless meeting Mitch approached you. "Hey (Y/N) sorry for kind of forcing you to play hg with me. You don't have to of course."Mitch apologizes sadly.

"You didn't force it upon me! I'm excited to go!"You giggled. Mitch showed you a bright smile.

"I've saved enough credits to have a whole arena to ourselves, so we can invite up to 22 people with us."Mitch asks.

"Well, I can ask some of the girls here, but they may not want to leave their boyfriends."You say turning to invite some of the girls. Mitch invited Sky, Sky's girlfriend, and his sister. You invited Steve and Hero's girl.

"I don't want you going (Hero's girl)."Hero growled.

"I'm a grown woman I can do what ever I want! Just because you can't go doesn't mean I can't."She argued back.

"You are not going!"Hero yelled.

"Watch me! C'mon bestie let's play some hunger games!"Hero's girl yelled yanking you by her arms. You stuck your tongue at Hero until he was out of sight. Hero growled loudly and slammed the door to his room, and decided to go mining by himself. You all met by the from door.

"Okay so how many of us are there?"Mitch asks counting."So there is 7 of us. If the enemy team is there we can do us against them. Let's go!"Mitch ran outside with the group following. Mitch pulled out a watch and began typing.

"What are you doing?" Sky's girl asked.

"I'm getting all of us a pod."Mitch says looking at the sky. He stepped in and everyone else hesitantly stepped in. "So we are playing against the best people, then afterwards there's a small party we can go to. Sky there are always cameras so you could get a video in. They don't like big groups of teaming so keep it to three max."Mitch says during the teleportation. Hero's girl hunched over and clutched her hand on her mouth.

"I hate teleporting...."She announced while stepping off. The base was a huge dome like structure. There were floating TVs showing death matches. The top player board was everywhere!

"OMG! IT'S THE BAJANCANDIAN!"One of the fan girls scream. Everyone's head turns to your direction. "AND SKY! HURRY FOLLOW AND JOIN THEIR HUNGER GAMES!!"The same girl yelled. Mitch waved and said hi to everyone, and Sky's girlfriend had to smack all the people away, while Sky tried not to get ripped apart. Overall the group staid together. Steve wanted to see how the maps were made but Mitch harshly scolded him telling him they had no time for that. They walk up to the biggest screen which says reserved.

"I have a whole lobby for us, the rest of the lobby should be here soon, but touch the sign an you'll be able to join."Mitch instructs. He touches the sign, and he teleports.

"[Groan] Teleporting!"Hero's girl complains. You grab her arm and the sign causing you both to teleport at the same time. You teleport into a beautiful lobby. There's a house in the distant, a little miner area. Trees were scattered, and in red clay in the sky spelled "Hunger Games".(if you been on mineplex you know how it looks).

"Wooaahh."Sky and his girlfriend simultaneously murmured.

"It's aight."Hero's girl said crossing her arms.

"What are you talking about it's amazing?"You yell. She just shrugs her soldiers looking around. "Come here I have to show you something." You say leading her to the edge. You both look over, as a smirk appears on your face. "Still think it's ugly?"You ask.

"No...Uglier."She said. You pushed her off the edge as she screamed.

"YOU SON OF A BIIII-"She trailed while you laughed your ass off. You turned around with Sky's girl looking like she's about to cry.

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