It's not the destination that matters but the journey

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~~~Third POV~~~

It's about three hours into the walk and the complaining has already begun."Steve?! How long are we supposed to be walking?" (Sk/G) groaned.

"Well we should be able to get there by tomorrow." Steve states lugging on.

"Tomorrow?!"Everyone shouts at him and that's when the riot begins. Everyone turns to Steve with angry questions, some saying they should've had Hero teleported them, others saying going on an unplanned trip was stupid over all. Steve's eyes widened as the group began approaching him.

"All of you stupid players just shut up! You're shouting hurts my ears!"The Alpha yelled at them. Oh, forgot to mention. He refused to let Drake leave the pack again so the entire pack went along. Everyone turned swiftly towards the Alpha and glared. Tyron stood in front of his Alpha to protect him, but the Alpha began glaring at Tyron.

"Let's just focused on getting there."Christopher suggested. The group was quiet for a few minutes, and it was quite peaceful. Animals scattered around in small herds playing, and barely paying attention to the vast group. That was ruined when (N/G) opened her mouth.

"I don't want to have to go into vacation knowing my friends aren't on the best terms with each other. I suggest we split into groups and settle this out!"(N/G) suggested. 

"I think we are rather peaceful now, so provoking everyone isn't a good idea."(H/G) rolled her eyes at her.

"Can we stop? I'm hungry." Drake asked already plopping down getting ready to eat. 

"We should keep moving or we will arrive later than-"Steve started but was interrupted as a sigh of relief filled the camp as everyone sat down. Hero floated down to the ground and sat next to his girlfriend.

"Great! This is a perfect time to do this! Okay I need Hero to stand...Yup! Okay everyone who doesn't like Hero go stand near him, and be honest! Great! Now Drake, Tyron, Alpha, and (D/G) go in a group. Mitch and Steve I want you in a group together. The rest of you fill in where you are unbiased." (N/G) instructed everyone.

"Who made you leader?" (Sh/G) asked arms crossed.

"I don't take orders from a scrawny player! Everyone should not go into their groups."The Alpha demanded.

"I sure as Nether don't take orders from him, so I should just listen to (N/G) I guess."Mitch scoffed. The rest of the group agreed because they followed instruction.

~~~Hero's Study Group?~~~

Hero's group consisted of Shadow, Luna, and Notch. The meditators are (S/G) and Christopher. Hero sat on one side staring blankly at the distance completely unimpressed with the decision. Notch folded his arms picking at his food, while Shadow seethed at Hero and Luna followed her brother's lead. (S/G) and Christopher hungrily ate their food. "Okay. I don't wanna do this, but I feel as though (N/G) does have some point. Let's start with why Shadow and Luna dislike-"(S/G) begins.

"Hate."Luna corrects her. Hero's expression doesn't falter at all. Christopher clears his throat to try and get back on track.

"Anyway let's start there." Christopher puts the group in motion. 

"Well long story short. Mr.Herobrine decided that all the mobs should be controlled by him. He came to the End and demanded that our father hands him the control of my people. He was very persistent, but our father was very stubborn. Eventually Mr.Herobrine blew some type of fuse and began to blow up the castle, thankfully we contained him and sent him out the End banning him. All of this- don't even get me started about his attitude. He feels as though he has right to rule everything, and that just because he has powers he thinks he is so much better than everyone else."Shadow sums it up while Luna continues her glare. Everyone turns towards Hero for his response.

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