When he annoyes you/Revenge

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It's been a week and he still seemed upset. You should've known he is a sensitive person.
"Steve I'm sorry it was just a prank!",you apologized for the forth time.
"I know and I accept your apology for the hundredth time (Y/N). It kind of looks like you have cold maybe you should go to bed.",Steve said. You felt your head and it did feel kind of hot. You lie in bed and stare at the ceiling for a while. After an hour your eyes start to drool. You hear a lever and shot up. You look around still siting on your bed. You decided to get up and investigate, but before you could move your bed moved pretty quickly. You flew out your open window and landed in some freezing water. Before you looked around flour was poured onto you."Now we are even.",a familiar voice said. You looked up and saw Steve smirking at you. While, you sat there a pouted.
Everyday at three you would watch your favorite tv show, you would lock yourself in your room or "reserve" the living room. Notch seriously wanted some revenge. He sat next to you as soon as your show came on. You immediately turned the tv up to the highest volume. He watched the whole show with you except at the ending. It was the season finale, and you were about to find out what was going to happen. You scooted closer to the tv, until the screen went black. You gave the tv a confused look, then heard snickering. You spun your head around 360 to see Notch laughing his butt off. When he saw you do that he ran to his room. Notch locked the door, and his under his bed. He didn't know what else to do. A few seconds later you kicked the door down.
"Want to cut off the tv?!",you yell into his room, "I'll cut something of yours off!" Notch's eyes went wide as he started to tremble with fear. He heard a tearing sound, and flew out from under his bed.
Notch's favorite poster was ripped from the wall.(you thought it was something else didn't you?!) He picked up his poster and placed it back on the wall with anger. You realized what you did and regretted it. "Sorry, hon. It's just I love that show but not more than you.",you say as you stare at the ground. You hear him sigh, and he puts a finger on your chin and lifts it.
"Truce?",he asks. You nod your head, as Notch pulled you into a hug.
Herobrine (Oh boy)
Herobrine has been gone a few hours since you upset him. You began to get worried. All of a sudden the door bursts open. The wind was howling, the rain was making it sound like drums out side, and the lighting was like a temporary sun each time it flashed. BOOM! CLASH! Then you see a body stumble into your home.
"H-Herobrine i-is th-that you?",you stutter. You hear a dark chuckle. Quickly the body's head picks up you see a flash of light before the power goes off. You grand your iron sword and hold it in your shaking hands. You felt something on your waist, and it sent cold shivers throughout your body. You swung the sword back, and you felt it broke. You cursed under your breathe. You decided it was a pair of hands on your waist, and they were dancing a little to way up North for your comfort. You slap the hands and start to run. You thought you were running but the person picked you up. You felt yourself flying through the air. You land on the couch.
I'm not dying without a fight!
You rolled off the couch, but was picked up. Once again you were back on the couch.

"Please don't kill me! I'll do anything!",you chanted. Another dark chuckled escaped from his mouth. Then you realized what you said. (tip for the girls out there.. NEVER SAY THAT TO A GUY!) You felt his hands back onto your waist very slowly making their way up and up and up. This was your fate you had to accept it, but you couldn't. You kept struggling but an invisible force was holding you back.

"Dear Notch-",you began. You heard laughing but not in a dark way. The lights turned on and you saw your boyfriend rolling on the floor. "Herobrine!",you yelled as you stomped into your room.

Drake (wolf-hybrid)

Drake was going to get you back for playing with his tail. No one has ever touched his tail. You got home from what ever you were doing. You heard some distant whistling. You followed it to your room. The door was locked and a million thoughts ran through your mind.

"Can I wear this you think your girlfriend be okay if I wear this?", a feminine voice asked.

"Who says she has to know?",Drake responded. You had enough and you busted down the door. There you saw Drake siting on your bed with a stop watch in his hand. "Two minutes until you got angered. And I thought I was short-tempered.",he said while smirking.


Sky was really upset with what you did, that was torture to his ears. He kept claiming that his ears were bleeding. He seriously was going to get you back. One day you woke up, and reached for your budder bracelet. It wasn't there, so you jumped out of bed. You turned the whole house upside down looking for it. Suddenly, the door opened and Sky walked in. He had bags from your favorite restaurant. You licked your lips a little then ran towards him. As soon as you were about to grab it he held it over your head. Because you were about seven inches smaller than him, you couldn't reach them. Then you saw he also had your budder bracelet on his wrist. First you gave him the puppy eyes, which didn't work. You tried hopping for it, but that didn't work.

"Sky give it to me!",you yelled while hopping.

"You said a curse word and that is unacceptable in this house hold. If you want breakfast you must bow down to me or swear you will never say that word again!",Sky announced. You vigorously nodded your head. He gave you your precious items.


Hope you enjoyed! I'm tired once a again my name is Sha and I want you to stay goofy my thirty-fivers!

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