First Kiss

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Earlier I'm the day Steve left to get some groceries. Around noon you heard your door creak open, you spun around and saw Steve. He was trying to sneak in the house without making a noise, he looked kind of down. "Steve what's wrong?",you ask concerned. He gave you a shrug and started putting away groceries. "Steve, you know you can tell me anything.",you reassure him. He nods sadly, then finishes packing.
"I'll be in my room.",he says. You grabbed his hand. Steve turned to you making him blush. He dropped what he was holding and fully turned around to you. It was now or never. You stood on your tippy toes and connected your lips with his. He was shocked at first, but then soon closed his eyes and kissed back. Eventually you both pulled out for some air. Both of your heads looked like tomatoes.
My first kiss... And it was amazing! You both thought.
"Umm [cough cough] I'll be in my room.",Steve said as he rushed to his room. You did the same.
You two were actually doing something other than building. He got some tickets for baseblock (see what I did there). He ordered some popcorn for the game, but spilled it when his favorite team got a home run. During the commercial brake the were looking for people for the kiss cam. Once, the famous builder Notch holding hands with someone they had to put them on camera.
"Here we have Notch holding hands with his girlfriend! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!",the announcer chanced. The whole crowd joined in, while you two blushed like crazy. He turned to you with a smirk, and before you could react he leaned in and kissed you. You were shocked at first but soon kissed back. The whole crowd cheered, and the commercial brake was over but the kiss wasn't. You leaned back over to him deepening the kiss, while you smiled. He finally pulled away when the other team got a home run.
Once again you two were arguing. Herobrine always thinks he is right, and you think you're always right. This argument was about birch trees or oak trees. "It is obvious that oak trees are extremely better than birch.", Herobrine stated.
"Umm actually they aren't! Even if they are you can't prove it!", You yelled sticking out your tongue at him.
"One thing is for sure the color is way better! They aren't too tall or too short! And last they don't smell like sh-",He said counting on his fingers.
"Racist now are we? You can get way more wood from a birch tree than an oak!",you yelled back.
"Ever seen an oak tree that is taller than an oak? Of course you will get way more wood!",he yells.
"You just said a birch was too tall so that kind of oak sure is a giant!",you retort. Herobrine has no more words just anger. He growls then angrily pours a glass of water. He turns to you, takes a sip, then pours the rest on you. That's when you snapped. You tackle him to the ground, and pin him. He was surprised that you actually pinned him. Herobrine and you began blushing realizing you were laying on top of him and a few inches apart. You closed your eyes and dove in into connecting your lips with his, you felt sparks but didn't back down. Herobrine was utterly shocked he was wide eyed as he stared you kissing him. He closed his eyes and kissed back. You smelled ocean breeze, did you guys teleport? Before you can open your eyes you heard something new. It sound like and enderman!
Don't open your eyes. Herobrine calmly told you in your head. You pulled out of the kiss but still had your eyes closed.
"Hero? Where are we?",you asked hoping he was still there.
"Umm you would freak out if I told you.",he calmly stated. This only made you want to freak out. He grabbed your hand and you felt yourself teleport. You hated teleporting you felt like you were going to throw-up good thing you two were home.
You two were on the roof of your house. Looking at the beautiful night sky. "Where does the pack stay?",you ask curiously. Drake simply points to the woods. "Why not here?",you ask confused.
"It would be rude of me to have the whole pack in our house, and I don't want the alpha bossing me around."he informs you and turns so he is facing you. You turn and face him staring into his eyes. "Your eyes sparkle in the moonlight. You look beautiful.",Drake tells you smirking. You blush a little. He closed his eyes and kissed you. You knew it was coming but why were you so surprised? You close your eyes and kiss back. Unfortunately after two seconds someone had to ruin it.
"Drake? Drake! Alpha you to get your lazy ass up and help with the shelter. His words not mine.",someone below shouts. He growled and gave you a longing look and jumped off the roof. And the two were gone.
Ever since you let Sky stay at your house, he has been blushing while looking at fan pages. He got his camera out for his daily vlog.

"Hey recruits! Today I'm just chill axing while eating cereal. OM NOM NOM! Let me clear some things up. I'm okay thank you guys for asking.😊 The reality show can't be this year since my castle blew up and it would be rude to have a show in someone else's house. Third I did not! I repeat I did not sleep with (Y/N). We just had a slumber party that's all.",he said while looking into the camera. You walked through the door coming from work, yes you still go to work even though your boyfriend can easily pay bills. One of your co-workers were just getting on your nerves! Time to mess with Sky, you know that he always broadcasts live.

"Sky! Babe I'm home!",you yell.

"In ze recording room!",he yells back. You put your stuff down and skip into the room. He turns the camera towards you. "Say wewa!",he yells. You give a confused look.

"Wewa?",you say. He starts to laugh. You shrugg and sit on his lap. Sky immediately blushes, then focuses.

"This week I'm going to be traveling quite a bit.",Sky says. You nuzzle up into his neck. He is now blushing heavily while he is saying the fan of the week. All of a sudden he starts to jitter. "Be right back recruits I have to tinkle!" He runs off to the bathroom.

"Okay guys your about to witness history!",you say to the camera. He lifts you off your chair and sits back down. You sit back on his lap.

"Now where were we-",you interrupted him by kissing. Sky was shocked but soon kissed back. He put his hand on the camera, and then stops for air. "Bye recruits!",he yells then shuts the camera off. You wrap you arms around his neck, and Sky puts his hands on your waist. Then you two started kissing again.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I have no excuse. Hoped you like this chapter. I'm a hungry Sha and I want you to stay goofy my thirty-fivers!😛😊

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