Brotherly Reuion Part 2

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Steve screamed as he fell in a one block in width hole. The last thing he saw was his brother looking down at him with tears. Before he hit the lava at the bottom, something grabbed him. Steve looked around but only saw light. He didn't know where the lift came from, but it moved around freely. Next thing Steve knew he was tied up in a chair. A snap was heard, probably from fingers. The whole little cave they were in lit up with red stone torches.

"What are you doing in my cave?!",a dark voice asked. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" Steve picked his head up, and saw someone look exactly like him except the eyes.

"I-I-I was mining with my brother."


"Here to join the party Notch?"

"Let him go. I don't know how many times I have to apologize."

"How many do you think? Hmm! YOU SEND ME TO THE NETHER! WIPED MY MEMORY! ITS NOT MY FAULT I DIED. Listen you can stand there and watch or leave." Steve was very confused. How did this Herobrine look like him? How did he know his brother? Why was he about to get killed? Why did he say Notch send him to the nether? It made his head hurt. Herobrine made an enchanted diamond sword appear, and walked towards where Steve was tied up.


"Why not Notch? I can kill him I can kill who ever I want when ever I want. But you know what? AT LEAST THEY DONT HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT THEIR CLOSET SENT THEM TO THE NETHER! OUT OF ALL PLACES."


"Don't brother me! We stopped being brothers the day you rejected me."

"YOH CAN'T KILL HIM BECAUSE THAT'S YOUR BROTHER!" Herobrine stumbled back as memories flowed through his mind. Steve was still confused, but Notch ran to his side. The chair and ropes disappeared, and Steve was freed. Notch pushed him to an exit, but Steve broke free.

"Steve what are you doing! We have to leave!" Steve looked back at Herobrine. He was on his knees sobbing into his hand.

"Look what you did brother! I want answers, and I'm not leaving until I get them!"

"I'll give you them we have to go!"

"You made another player cry! It's not fully his fault he is a murderer! You traumatized him! Imagine all the good he could've done for the world!"

"Steve I-"

"Save it. You can stay we both of us or you can abandon me too." Notch was shocked by his little brother. Steve always listened to him.

"I'm not leaving you behind." Steve ignored Notch, and walked towards the sobbing Herobrine.He did the unpredictable, Steve hugged Herobrine.

"It's okay I'm here now. Sorry for what ever I did. I know I didn't want to cause" Steve turned Herobrine around so they were face to face. Herobrine looked Steve in the eyes with tears running down his face. Steve gave him a small smile. Herobrine hugged back, probably crushing Steve. For once in his life, Herobrine let it all out. He cried for hours. When he stopped, he teleported Notch and Steve to the entrance. Herobrine looked out into the distant, with one tear rolling down his face.

"Just don't come back. This is my cave, and I don't want people to know about it. This cave is one of the only things special to me.",Herobrine said. Notch nodded and started walking back home. Steve walked towards Herobrine, and handed him a piece of paper. Steve have him a smile and said,"When ever you need a friend." Steve ran up to catch up to Notch. Herobrine looked down, and it was Steve number. Herobrjne stuffed it in his pocket, and teleported away.

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