Brotherly Reunion

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Okay before I start your not in this chapter. I know I know boho!(sarcasm). This will tie some loose ends up for the next chapter okay? This will be short, but considering I just updated two days ago and I don't even update my first book that much, so I think this being short will be okay. Because I love you guys I will post the next chapter soon! Okay on with this chapter!


Steve hasn't seen his brother, in

forever. He knew where he lived, but was too busy to visit. Steve was too busy hanging out with you, or thinking about, or drawing you. Everything he did involved you! Steve was painting a scenery, and you would be picking a flower up. He was thinking of how you talk so smoothly.

"Hey Steve!",someone yelled. Out of fright he punched his canvas. It was his brother Notch. There was a camp fire, so he threw his painting in.

"H-h-ello brother!",Steve stuttered.

"What were you doing with that canvas?",Notch asked curiously.

"I-I-I was d-d-doing stuff! Stuff like smashing! Yeah!",Steve answered fist punching the air.

"Okay? Anyway wanna go mining with me to catch up?",Notch asks. Steve nods his head in agreement, and goes inside. He grabs his iron pick, some food, tons of wood, and follows Notch. Notch and Steve arrived at the mouth of the cave. Notch lit a torch, and placed it on the left wall. Right off the back they found iron ore. They raced to the pinkish ore. Steve being faster, got to it first. He mined the ore, and collected it. This continued for about two hours. Each time Notch placed a torch on the left wall, then Steve would rush to the nearest ore and collect it. Steve and Notch sat down to eat some lunch.

"Notch what have you been up to? Haven't seen you since I almost got mauled by zombies!",Steve asked.

"You almost got mauled by zombies! Are you okay?! I would've walked ya home but -"

"It's okay someone saved me."


"I asked you a question!"

"Okay okay. I've went to building competitions, build a mansion for a girl. We are dating went on a date, ate an apple. Fixed my mansion ya know the usual."

"Wait you got a girlfriend?!"

"Yeah enough about me. Who saved you?"

"Umm this girl....."Steve blushed.

"Neva you were a player!"Notch smacked Steve's back."Are you two dating now?"

"Yes........ Can we get back to mining? I'm going to need more iron."Steve said. Notch got up, and placed a torch. Steve saw a sparkle in the unlit part, and ran to it. "AHHHHHH!",Steve screamed.

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