The ______ king

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(These are going to be short sorry!)
How you met
You decided you were low on a particular ore, so you went to the local cave. Everyone mines in the cave, so it would be hard to find this ore. Luckily, for you there is only like 20 people in the town. You head down the already lit cave, and something caught your eye. There was a cave path that wasn't lit.

The mayor always tells you not to go into unlit areas. But what does he know?(everything) You swing your pick around your back, and place torches on the walls. You place all the torches on the left. It helps.(If you place all the torches on the left when you lost, you know all the torches on the right is the way you came from.) There you saw it. The most majestic ore in the world.

They way it shines against the torch light, the color it self can make someone collapse. Before anyone could see, you run over and mine the ore. Just before the last hit your pick breaks. But the ore breaks, and floats on the ground. You dive for it, and bump your head with another. You don't know who is it, but your getting that ore! You two have a tug-a-war match. He pulls you through the hole.

"THATS MY BUTTER!",the man called.

"I'M SORRY SIR BUT YOUR MISTAKEN THIS IS MY BUTTER.",you yell back. You both pause for a moment, and thought the same thing.

He/She calls it butter?You place a torch down and look up. You see a black suit, and butter amulet with ender essence in the middle, and eye patches.(Yes they are eye patches)

"Y-your sky.",you stutter.

"You call the majestic butter, butter too?!",he basically yells. You slowly nod your head, and hand him the butter ore. "Keep it. I have to get back to the plane. Here's my number so call maybe!",he yells. He hands you the butter ore, and his number, then runs the way he came.

When he asks you out

You two have been hanging out. You were always in his daily vlog. One day was special though. He had a pumpkin pie, and threw it onto your face. You started to wipe it off, and felt something hard. You grabbed it, and pulled it off your face. It was a butter bracelet with a note saying,"be mine?" You slip it on one arm, and with the other hand you wipe off some pie off your face. You looked over and he was still recording while laughing.

"Yes, sky I'll be yours. Can I see your camera?", you ask innocently. He hands you the camera still giggling. You chucked the peace of pie in your hand, and he flew back. You burst out laughing, but tried to keep the camera still.

First Date
Sky decided to take you laser tagging. It was two per group and ten groups per team, and it took place in an old mansion. Your team was losing bad. The last couple just got eliminated. It was only you and Sky. The only reason it was like that was people sacrificed to keep Sky in. You saw someone rearing the corner and you shot. You hear a zwoop, and someone cursing under their breath. Sky looked scared, he always is over dramatic. He kept chanting 'Jason I'm startled!'. You turned him to face you.

"Sky? Honey, it's going to be okay! We are going to kill the other team and win our freedom back.",you reassured him. He nodded then stood up, grabbing his laser gun. You two stuck close knowing that three other couples were out there. You saw a flash of color, and nodded towards that direction. You both ran that direction, and fired laser into the room. You shot one of them, and Sky was shooting the other. You heard footsteps behind you, so you spun around. You saw the laser flying heading straight to Sky's back. You jumped in front of it, and shot the guy. You both fell to the ground. Sky spun around and fell to his knees.

"I will avenge you!",Sky screamed. You chuckle and jogged out the old mansion. People were cheering and clapping for you. You stood with your team in the front yard as you look inside the house. You notice there is a guy in a trench coat standing in the woods just looking at you. You feel shivers run up your back. After twenty minutes he starts to move, you sigh in relief and turn your attention back to the house. You glance back to the spot he once stood, and saw he was walking towards you.

"He wouldn't do anything in front of all of these people.",you told yourself. You heard a lot cheering, and turned your attention back to the house. The other team was walking out of the house head hung, while Sky was cheering. You giggled and skipped up to him. He smiled and swung you onto his back.

"I thank you my Sky army!",he screamed to his team. They all cheered as he 'galloped' to the car. Sky's driver started up the car, while you two were in the back screaming out the window.

"For the BUDDER!",you both simultaneously yell. When you arrived at your house, you remembered that creepy guy.

"Hey, Sky can you stay the night. I feel a little creeped out.",you tell him while looking at the floor blushing.

"No need to fear! King Budder is here!",Sky said while doing the superman pose. He waved goodbye to his driver then shut the door. You threw him one of your pink sweat pants. Sky went to the bathroom to change. He came out shirtless and with the pink sweat pants on."Do these pants make my butt look fat?",he asks while holding in his laughter. You giggled, and slipped into bed, while he slept on the other side. You saw he was looking on his phone blushing.

"What?",you ask curiously.

"Nothing. Night.",he says. You shrug and fall asleep. Sky was scrolling through some of his fan base, and saw the paparazzi had took a picture of him closing the door. The caption said, "Looks like Sky is getting some tonight."

Destruction of his house

You were scrolling through channels, when the news came on. It said, that the famous actor Sky's house was blown to bits. You immediately grab a jacket, and drive to his house. When you arrived you saw a crowd and flashing lights. You make your way through the crowd and see Sky perfectly fine. You run up to him and give him a tight hug. Sky hugged you back.

"I'm okay (Y/N).",he says while running circles on your back. "I came back from the studio and found my castle like this. Someone left a note. W-wait a second. MY BUDDER! NUUUUUUUUU!",Sky explains dropping to his knees at the last part. You looked at the note.

"Your budder can protect no more.",it read. There was ink dripping off of the paper.

I keep saying I'll update the day of the author note or the next but I happens like two days later! I'm sorry guys but I mean it's Skydoesminecraft! Anyway thanks for reading I'm Sha and I want you to stay goofy my thirty-fivers!😊

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