When you annoy him

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Ever since he moved in he kept things in order. He liked things a certain way and it done in a certain way. You felt really mischievous one day. You switched everything, including the things in the cabinet and the fridge. You switched your clothes with his, you switched the weapons with tools. When you heard him walk up the porch, you jump into bed. You didn't want Steve to know you were awake.
"What's that smell?",you heard Steve say. You heard the fridge open and heard him mumble your name. He went to his room to change. Without turning the lights on he went into his draw.
"(Y/N)!",Steve yelled. He must of grabbed one of your bras. You were trying so hard to contain your laughter. Steve made a self note to fix the window. He went into the tools chest.
"Ouch! (YYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNN)!",Steve screamed. He probably just cut himself and with that you fell asleep.
You two were out having some ice cream. Notch hates being sticky (So do I Notch, So do I) and you know that. He asked for a cup of vanilla, the went outside to wait.
"Make that a kids cone and an extra large scoop of vanilla instead. I'll have the same.",you ordered. The clerk nodded and went to work. You happily skipped out the shop and sat across from Notch.
"What did you-?",he began. Then the clerk came out with the two ice cream cones. Both of them already melting because of the sun. The clerk handed you your ice cream and tried to hand Notch his. "Excuse me, but I wanted mine in a cup.",he says. The clerk gives him a confused look, then chuckles.
"Your a funny man Notch.",the clerk says before returning to the shop. You already ate your ice cream. Notch's lip started to quiver, his favorite ice cream flavor was making a sticky mess on his hands. He took one lick and a drop fell onto his pants. He chucked the ice cream, and it flew into someone's hair. Notch didn't even notice so he went to go was his hands. You looked over to the woman on the ground with ice cream in her hair. She got up and stomped towards you. Notch came out continuously wiping his pants. She slapped him across his face, and that's when you stood up. Your normally a calm person but no one hurts your Notchy-boo. When she saw it was Notch her far dropped.
"I-I-I'm sorry it's just I just got my hair done. It cost like a whole 150 emeralds -",she began. Notch held up his hand and handed her the emeralds. Her face lit up, and walked away.
"Next time your ordering first.",Notch says when you two enter your house.
You two went mining again. Herobrine bought head phones this time because of you. He was sorta of bobbing his head while he was mining. You found it adorable but you wanted to bother someone today. You yanked his head phones off then chucked them into the lava.
"WHAT THE NETHER?!",Herobrine yells turning to you.
"Can we go home and you spawn me the ores?",you ask innocently.
"Can we go get my headphones and keep mining?",he says in a mocking tone. You stomp towards the exit, and he teleports in front of you. He spins you around and pushes you back to where you guys were. You finally found a diamond, and you specifically remember Herobrine telling you to tell him. You start to mine the diamond with your stone pickaxe.
At the last few hits you decide to tell him."See I didn't need your help, found a diamond!" Herobrine spun around as soon as your stone pick axe hit the last hit. It was all slow motion, Herobrine was yelling no in the background. The ore broke and nothing came out. Herobrine was pissed, so he teleported you to the house.
Drake(wolf hybrid)
You notice every time you touch Drake's tail he would flinch. You two were siting on the couch watching tv, and his tail was next to you. You "accidentally" placed your hand on his tail. It felt so soft. He tensed for a moment but relaxed afterwards. You gently picked up his tail, and now Drake was biting his lip. It look like he wanted to growl at you but held it in. You started to play with his tail, and now he was fidgeting. You obviously see that he is annoyed but you keep going.
"I'm the wolf man fear me!",you impersonated him while acting as the tail. He gave you a glance meaning this is your warning. You slightly tugged it and he jumped off the couch. He growled at you his eyes flashing gold. You started busting out laughing. "You... Look.... Like a cat when you jumped!",you said between breathe. Drake blushed a deep red and stomped to his room. You heard the door slam. "I was just playing.",you say through giggles. He so is going to get you tomorrow.

Sky got home from being on Ellen, and he was acting a little too snotty for you on the shoe. You decided to teach him a lesson.

"Hey honey.",Sky says. He closes the door, and flops on the couch next to you.

"You like my new gold bracelet?",you ask. He gave you a confused look.

"What?",he asks.

"I said do you like my new gold bracelet?",you say the gold word slower. You can see Sky starts to twitch, and his hand is shaking."Sky, honey you look tense. Would you like a golden apple? Or maybe a golden carrot. Are would you just like some gold. Gold gold gold, what a wonderful gold!", You said whispering in his ear. That's when he lost it, he ran into his emergency budder room (*cough cough* his closet). He poured budder out of his bag.

He rolled in it while chanting,"Budder is love, Budder is life!" You decided to leave him alone for the rest of the day.

Just a fun chapter hope you guys liked. Sorry if I don't update frequently. It is hard writing scenarios for five people so it is going to take me longer than usually. I see that we are half way to our goal of 1k reads! Thanks! Well I'm a pretty happy Sha and I want you to stay goofy my thirty-fivers!😆

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