Shower Time?

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You've just woken up after a week full of misery of "helping" Steve. After ignoring you for a day after his little break down he started talking to you again. All you did was hand him pieces to his contraption. When the golems came back from where ever all the girls became joyous. Back to present times, you always took a shower after you wake each morning. It gives a nice kick off to the new day. You set your clothes on your bed and close your bedroom door. You walk into your bathroom and shut that door as well. You slip out of pjs and hop into the shower. The warmth and relaxation of the hot water beating down on your back is just what you need each and everyday. You wash up and step out of the shower sending an uncomfortable chill while the cool air lands on you. You grab your towel and wrap it around you tightly. You step into room to met with even colder air. Just as you were about to grab your clothes your bedroom door slams open. "(Y/N)!! I FINSHED I-"Steve yelled pushing his invention towards you. You flail your arm about while the other one tightens your towel. Some of the water splashes onto his contraption as you scream. "(Y/N)! You sprayed water all over it! It's malfunctioning!"Steve yelled. That's when he looked up at you as he turned red. "I-I'm so.. I"Steve stuttered.

"GET OUT!"You yelled pushing him out the door as you slam the door in his face. You locked it knowing he still was there. You quickly got dressed then opened the door to see he was still stuttering.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."Steve says contemplating giving you a hug. He just turned around awkwardly and went downstairs. He sat on the couch with his hands folded together.


It was time for a shower, it's been what? A few days? A week? A month? You leave everything out on your bed including your towel. You shut your bedroom door and lock it too. You go into your bathroom and lock that door as well. You look around at the mess. Clothes everywhere, towels dropped here and there, you even pulled a shirt out of your toilet. You drop everything in the basket and turn the shower on. You strip down and jump into the shower. It felt like a waterfall on your back in the middle of a hot spring. Before you jumped into the shower you were playing a game of words with players with Hero and you left off at your turn. You hop out the shower and walk into your bedroom. You loosely put the towel around you and as you bend down to grab your bra. You hear a teleport sound and you look up wide eye at the source. Hero was standing there with his (may I add NEW) phone in hand as he stares at you shocked. At the perfect time your towel falls and you cover yourself. He turns very red, but doesn't stop staring as he eyes you up and down.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!"You yell grabbing your towel and wrapping yourself in it.

"B-but it's your turn. I'm waiting for you to finish so I can win!"Hero says as you push him out.

"GET OUT I'M BUTT NAKED!"You scream as you shove him out your door and slam it. He teleports to the couch as he stares at his phone blushing next to his red brother still waiting for his turn.


"Perfect time to break shower."You mumble as you grab your towel, clothes, wash cloth, and soap and trudge your way to Notch's room. There was two golems standing at the door. "Hey I'm going to take a shower don't let anyone in until I come out."You tell them.

"Miss we can't-"One of them began.

"Good I'll be out in a half hour tops."You say as you enter his room. Everything was very tidy and placed in the correct spots. You enter the bathroom and your jaw drops at the sight of the decor. The floor was gold and quartz and the shower head wasn't even one. It was an actual small water fall and the drain was one too! You see a screen on the wall near the mirror and you realize you can set the temperature. You set it to around 89 degrees fahrenheit and watched in awe as the water pours out the cliff thing. You excitedly strip down to try this new shower thing out. It felt like heaven as it poured down your back and rushed by your feet. Sadly, you were in there for a good 20 minutes before deciding to get out before you looked like a raison. You ran out to get over the cold feeling and wrapped a towel around yourself. You put on underwear and a bra before the door opens. Notch is standing at the door staring at you. You scream a high pitch scream to wake him up from what ever he was stuck in.

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