When you first meet

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You were punching trees to fix your house, from a recent explosion. Dang creeper gotcha again. Had a stack off oak wood, so you headed back home. It was two stories, and made it out of wood. It was sorta ran down, but it looked okay. Most player live in the city, but the woods are better. You went to the front of your house, and filled the hole and placed the door. It was almost night, and you were starving. There was always that pig you hated, but he was always in your house. Tearing up the couch, wouldn't let you out a saddle on him, poop everywhere! The worst part is every time you would try to punch it, it'll run away. You grabbed a cooked pork chop, and sat in front the pig. You got in it's face, and ate the pork chop. It snorted and glared, and you mocked it.

"Oooo! I'm a stupid pig! I think I'm so cute when really I smell like---",You started but was interrupted by moaning. You looked out the window, and saw the zombies circling around something. You grabbed your iron sword, and headed out.

"What's green stinky and ugly? You guys!",you yelled to get their attention. They turned around, and slowly made their way towards you. You stabbed the first one, and kicked the second. Flipped over the third, kicked it into rest, and stabbed your sword through their guts. You walked over to the spot they were at. You look and see a man, chocolate brown hair, tan skin, around two and half blocks. You stare for a while, thankfully he was sleep, but he was beautiful. You gently shake him, and groans in response. You sit him up against a tree, and he opened his eyes. His eyes were a sky blue, and sorta twinkled in the moon light. He slowly closed his eyes again, so you put his arms on your shoulder. It felt like forty pounds were added because of his muscles. Slowly but steadily made it back to your house. You set him on the couch. Time to wake him up.

"Hello? Mister?",you asked. His eyes start open, and they open up wide of the sight of you.

"Wh-wh-where am I? Is this a prank? Notch?",he starts to ask. He sits up abruptly, and the scratch mark on his back is now clear.

"No my name is (Y/N). You were about to get gnawed on by a hoard of zombies, until I saved you.", you said while blushing at the last part."Lie down, you can stay here for the night. Hungry?" He shakes his head, and tries to stands up, but falls back down."Relax.",you tell him, while you pour a pink bubbly liquid down his mouth. He held it in his mouth."Swallow it or that scratch it gonna get in infected.",he swallows and makes a disgusted face. You roll your eyes, and head upstairs for a good night rest. When you wake up there is a note left on the couch.

"Thanks for help, hope to see you again!~Steve.",it read. You blush a deep red, and stuff it into your pocket.


You absolutely love the city because of its architecture. All the buildings are well built, and you can tell thought and time was put into it. Every week they would hold a building contest, and you wanted to be a part of it. You skip to the sign up sheet, and sign your name. There was a huge crowd, and you want to figure out what's going on. You head over to the crowd curious. There you see the one and only Notch! You run to the sign up sheet, to cross out your name, but sheet already gone. The announcer called everyone's name. You had to build a nice size house. Two hours has pass, and time was up! You build a beautiful wooden mansion, with a chandelier. Notch built a budder, and quartz mansion, with a garden, and water fountain. He surely was going to win. Who ever wins they get to keep their building, while the others are destroyed.

"The winner is Notch!" Everyone cheered, clapped, and patted his back while you frowned as your building was destroyed."What are you going to do with you mansion?",the announcer asked.

"I'm going to give it to this pretty lady right here.",he gestured for you to come on the stage. You blushed, as you stepped on the stage next to him. He put his arm around you, as you continued your speech."She actually gave me a run for my money, this week. What's your name?",he asked.

"(Y-y-y/N-N-N)",you answer while blushing.

"Give (Y/N) a hand of applause!",Notch yelled into the mic. Everyone cheered, and clapped for you."Thank-you and see ya next week!",he yelled and guided you off the stage.

"You didn't have to do that.",you tell him.

"What, so you don't want to live in the house I built for you?",he asked kind of upset.

"Y-y-ou built that for me?",you ask blushing.

"Well, I had to go all out because I had competition. You can have it. Burn it, trash it,-"

"I'll live in it.",you interrupted. He smiled and held out his hand. You both shook hands.

"Till next time m'lady.",he tipped his invisible hat and ran into the woods.

"What a character.",you say to yourself.


You wanted, scratch that, needed more iron for some armor. Once again you got kicked out the city. Which means good luck living by yourself.

"Stupid golems think they run the place!",you mumble every time you swing your pickaxe. In the corner of your eye you see something glowing, thinking it's lava you head over to it."Gonna find some diamonds! Whoohoo!",you scream for no reason. When you get closer, all you could see two white rectangles. You scratch your head confused, the light was obviously right there. You placed a torch down to get a better look. You get a glimpse of a man a little taller than you, blue shirt, jeans, chocolate brown hair, and no pupils. Your torch turned into a red stone torch, and the whole cave was filled with them. You could see the man more clear, and terror ran through your body. You kept a straight face though.

"Y-your real?",you answer trying not to stutter.

"As a real as me pinning you.",he answered. You looked around, and he pinned you against the side of the cave."Now why are you in a cave all alone?",he asked with a grin. You grinned back, and kick him in the gut."Ouch?",he asked with a smirk. Your foot now hurts from kicking him in the abs."I still waiting for my answer.",he says impatiently .

"Okay fine since your sooo persuasive I think it was griefing. I don't really know.",you say trying not to meet his eyes. He smiled and disappeared. You ran out the cave, and passed out from your "workout". When you woke you were in your house in the woods. You saw a glimpse of blue, but ignored it. There was a note on a chest.

"Enjoy~Herobrine.",it read. You opened the chest and found some iron, iron armor, and a diamond sword. You blushed, the most evil person every gave you a gift?

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