Your first date

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Steve told you that he was taking you out to town. He specifically said,"Don't where anything too fancy, we are just walking around and doing random stuff." He put on his normal jeans, his black shoes, and a blue hoodie. Steve knocked on your door, with a blue rose in his hand. He wanted this night to be special, he worked long hours, helped his brothers out to earn some money. You opened your door, and Steve started to gawk at you. You were wearing a blue crop top, jeans, a leather jacket, and black vans. The jeans were skinny so your butt was stinking out.

"Steve close your mouth your catch flies.",you say. You take his hand, after closing his mouth. Today was the lantern festival, and the town mood was extremely happy, and exited. As you two were walking through the market, Steve hesitantly put his arm around you. He told you stay right there, while he ran to an ice cream shop. You noticed a man far, but close enough to see his form. He was just staring at you with an evil smile. You didn't feel comfortable at all, you went to go find Steve, but he came back with the ice cream. With a smile he hands you your favorite flavor of ice cream. You glance back at the spot you saw the mysterious man, but he was gone. You felt a cold breeze when you realized he was gone, and began to shiver. Steve stuffed his ice cream in his mouth, and his cheeks stuck out. You giggled in response. He took off his hoodie, and handed it to you.

"I'm fine.",you tell him.

"I insist.",he replies with a smile. You smile back, and put on the huge hoodie. "AAAHHHH! BRAIN FREEZE!",Steve yelled. He started running around in circles as he held his head. You started to laugh, and you held your gut in response. A crowd has gather as Steve continued run around in circles. At one point he face-planted into the dirt. That's when he noticed the crowd, he spit out dirt. One of the towns' elders gave Steve a medal. It said he was the fastest runner. He stood up, and brushed himself off. He blushed deeply, as people laughed. You ran into the middle of the crowd with Steve.

"What's that?!",you yelled as you pointed to the sky. You grabbed Steve's arm and ran out of the circle.

"Thanks.", he says. You nod your head, and start heading home. Steve put his arm around your shoulder, as you walk home. He walks you to your house, and walks back home. Steve takes off of his shirt, and falls asleep on his bed. He woke up to a knock on his door.

"(Y/N)? You okay?",Steve asks obviously tired. You were in your pjs, and slippers.

"Yeah, umm, but it's pretty cold in my house. You mind if I stay here?",you ask blushing. Steve moves out if the way, and gestures you to come in. The real reason you were there is because you were afraid of that creepy guy. Steve got some extra blankets, and slept on the floor, while you had the bed. Over all, date night was a success.


Notch said he was coming to pick you up for a building comp. You put your hair in a high pony tail, black tank top, jeans, and black red and white Jordans. He knocked on your door, and try to keep his bottom jaw connected to his top. You shrugged, and walked towards the building competition.

"Hey wait up!",Notch yelled. You stopped and turned around, as he ran slowly to you. He put his arm around you, as you guys walked to the plot. It was a couple's competition and you had to build something romantic. All lot of couples built gardens, restaurants, and hearts. You two are not like a lot of couples. You guys build a gondola, with a river near it. On the river there was a bride where out of no where swans came. The announcer announced your build the winner. Notch walked on the stage, with his arm around you.

"Thank-you guys for coming! Today you were all difficult competitors.",Notch began.

"Yeah right!",someone from the crowd yelled jokingly. Notch chuckled into the microphone. He continued his speech, as you looked at the crowd. Everyone seemed elated, except this one man that stood out. He was just staring at you with the slightest frown. He squinted at you, then showed his teeth. It looked like the man growled. He went into his coat pocket to pull something out. You went a few shades lighter, but kept a smile to not cause any attention. You tapped on Notch's back, to signalize to hurry up. He finished his speech, and you two walked off the stage. He walked you home and turned around. You saw someone in an alley, staring at you with an evil grin.

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