Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                       Chapter 10

                                                                              Mr. Kincaid's Secret

      Everyone stood within the quiet and comfort of the shimmering lights for a few moments, then they all applauded.  Then Mr. Kincaid led them in carols around the grand piano, he himself plucking the keys.  Afterwards the group played charades and watched a movie.  At around five o'clock, Haley's dad suggested they have dinner.

     Since lunch had been more like dinner, Bridget and Helga made sandwiches, veggie trays, and chocolate ice cream for dessert.  When the meal was over Alex had made up his mind to have a talk with Mr. Kincaid regarding the men in suits and asked him if he heard anything new on the where a bouts of Dorian Brown, his partner in crime, Greg Carpenter and Gina Cane.

     After dinner the group split up into couples or smaller groups to do different things.  Amanda, John and Christian decided to talk a walk.  They weren't real happy when they learned one of the man in suits had to go with them.  The others weren't please about that either.  Amanda, John and Christian were barely out the door when Annie announced that she, Galen and Josh wanted to go along.

     Anthony, his girlfriend Grace, Justin and his girl Kelleigh decided to play video games on the big screen TV.  Alex and Haley were still sitting at their bar stools while the cooks Bridget and Helga cleaned up.  Mr. Kincaid was snapping more pics of the tree when Alex looked over at Haley gave a nod towards her father and she nodded back.

     Alex had managed to get Haley alone in the hallway that day for a few minutes and tell her he thought she and he should asked her father some questions.  Haley said she thought so too.  So now, they both got down off of their stools and approached Haley's dad who was now taking pictures of Anthony and Justin in a video war on the big screen TV.

     "Dad!"  Haley shouted, to be heard over the volume of the television.  "Yes," he said with a smile.  "Could Alex and I have a word with you?"  Mr. Kincaid's smile fell into a look of dismay very quickly.  But he said, "Let's go into my study."  He led the way through the dinning room into a very masculine, Mahogany paneled den. 

     Floor to ceiling shelves lined every wall, all laden down with books.  Many of Mr. Kincaid's photographs hung on the ecru walls.  A Grandfather clock sat in one corner and was chiming six o'clock when the three of them entered the room.  "Please sit down," Haley's father said, motioning to two cushioned chairs setting in front of his large Mahogany desk.

     Alex noticed an 8x10 photo of Haley setting on the desk next to a picture of a pretty lady who Alex guessed was Haley's mother.  Haley's dad plopped into his chair behind the desk, heaved a great sigh and said, "Well, what's up?" he was suddenly looking very uncomfortable.  "Mr. Kincaid," Alex started, his insides squirming, "I know what I'm about to ask you is really none of my business.  And I don't mean to be disrespectful...." Alex Then hesitated seeing the intent look on Haley's father's face.  But he suddenly burst out with, as though he couldn't help it, "How do you know Dorian Brown?"

     "Haley looked at Alex as though he'd lost his mind.  Mr. Kincaid looked taken a back at Alex's bluntness, but he compose himself quickly and actually gave Alex a "I give in" smile.  He then got up and went to the door and locked it with a key he took from his pocket.  Alex and Haley looked nervously at each other and Haley took Alex's hand.

     "First of all," Mr. Kincaid started, after he sat down and splayed his hands across his desk, "I want to thank you again Alex for saving my daughter's life the night of the fire.  And I thank you and your friends for further protecting Haley and me by telling Professor Tibbs what you knew."  Then Haley's father leaned back in his chair, his hands now behind his head and said, "Because of your efforts Haley is safe today."  "You're welcome," Alex said humbly.

Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian BrownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora