Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                        Chapter 26

                                                                                       What To Do?

    "So....what's the big secret Professor?"  Alex asked with curiosity in his voice.  "Miss Tibbs just looked at him intensely for a moment.  Alex thought she had a worried look in her eyes.  Then she cleared her throat and adopted, what Alex thought was a forced smile, and said, "Well, I thought you would be pleased to know that Mr. Wells and I," and here she stopped, cleared her throat again and ended with, "broached the subject of marriage before my -well, before I came here."

     Alex didn't think what Professor Tibbs said, was really what she intended to tell him.  But he acted as if it was.  "Well, that's great Professor.  Although as far as being a secret, I would say that my friends and I have had a feeling that you and Mr. Wells would end up together in the future.  But I'll keep the secret until you and Mr. Wells are ready to make it known," Alex assured her, desperately wanting to ask her what the real secret was.

     Alex and Miss Tibbs talked for another fifteen minutes or so about what classes he and his friends were taking their last year of college.  Alex finally said, "I should go and let you get some rest.  "We'll be back later in the day."  "I am a little drowsy, Miss Tibbs admitted, "Probably due to the solution in the I.V., she said, giving it a severe look.  Alex chuckled, waved and then left.

     He met Mr. Wells in the hallway, no doubt waiting to come in.  "Your turn," Alex said with a grin at him.  Then he walked over to the waiting room, where, alone in the room, Annie, Lynn and Amanda were snacking on something. 

     "Hey guys," Alex greeted them, "Everyone else duck out for lunch?"  "Yeah," Lyn said. "We had gone with them but we thought the cafeteria was too chilly, so we came back here."  "I have an extra sandwich I won't eat Alex," Amanda said, "You want it?"  "No thanks.  I'm not that hungry now.  I'm gonna go look up Miss Tibbs' doctor."  "Anything wrong?"  Annie asked suddenly anxious.  "No.  Dr. Able and I are old friends."

   "The Doc said he would be back up here about this time," Alex told them, checking his watch.  "See you later," he said as he walked out of the room.  Alex walked around the second floor until he came to another waiting room, that was much larger than the other one where he and his friends had gone.  Dr. Able was sitting at the table alone.  In fact, he was the only one in the place.

     Alex walked up to the table and said, "Hello Dr. Able."  The doctor looked up and grinned.  "Hey Alex.  You found me."  Alex Looked around the large room and then said in an obvious voice, "It wasn't hard."  Dr. Able laughed and said, "Have a seat Alex."    Alex sat down across from the doctor.

     "I have an extra Donut here Alex," he said, eyeing the Boston Cream setting on a small plate, "Would you like it?  Alex chuckled and said, "You're the second person who has offered me food today.  I guess God wants me to eat something."  The doctor laughed again.  "Thank you," Alex said, reaching for it.

     And he took a bite of the Donut, which tasted very good to him.  "So is one of those pretty girls you were with this morning.... yours?"  Alex chocked a little before he said, "Yes.  Her name is Haley and she was the one with the blond hair in a pony tail. "She's very pretty Alex," the doctor complemented him.  "Alex's mouth was now too full of Donut, so he just nodded.

     "I talked to your Mr. Wells a bit today when he was visiting Miss Tibbs.  He impressed me as an intelligent, very nice man."  "He is," Alex said, wiping his mouth with his napkin.  "Are your adventures at college measuring up to the ones that you had in high school?," the doc asked with a grin.  Alex laughed and said, "How do you know about my adventures in high school?"

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