Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                        Chapter 8


     Alex's college friends were spending the Thanksgiving holidays with their respective families and Alex was looking forward to going home too.  Jed and Anna were going back to Elkhart for the holidays too.  They were staying with Anna's family for a week, then with Jed's parents.  Alex's parents already knew about the Christmas trip to Australia.  He had called them from school to tell them about it.  However, Alex didn't tell them what was happening regarding a man named Dorian Brown, Haley and her father.  He didn't want them to worry. 

    Alex's plane landed at the South Bend Airport on time and he begin looking for his parents as soon as he reached the terminal.  He suddenly turned a corner and there four people were waiting for him.  His parents, Lyndell and Mr. Wells.  They all had hold of a huge banner which read:  Welcome Home Alex!   He raced toward them and was immediately hugged by his mother.  then Lyndell, his dad, and Mr. Wells. 

     When the group reached the Bishop house Alex received another surprise.  Lee and Glenna rushed him as soon as he walked in the door.  As usual, Glenna's eyes filled with tears as she embraced him and Lee characteristically rolled his eyes and then gave Alex a one armed hug.   Lee and Glenna took seats on one of Janeen's comfortable sofas, while Max sat in his Lazy Boy chair, Mr. Wells sat on a Love Seat and Lyn Comfortable in her favorite spot by the fireplace, her long legs hanging over the chair arm.

     Alex first ran his luggage into his room and changed into a clean pair of jeans and a sweater.  He had run out of clean clothes to wear and had to don not so clean ones to come home.  In fact he'd brought a laundry bag full of dirty clothes with him.  Janeen gave her son a kiss and big hug when he came out of his room and then she went off to make lunch for everyone.

     There was so much to tell his parents and his friends that Alex barely knew where to start.  He didn't have to right away because Glenna spoke first.  "So you're going to Australia?  How great is that!"  Pretty great," Alex said with a big grin.  "I'm so jealous," Lyn told her brother.  Max sat in his chair taking in the conversation and smiling broadly.  He felt so blessed to have his family back together again.

     "Who is this Haley that none of us have heard much about?"  Lee asked him with a sly grin. "I guess I'd better tell y'all something about her then," Alex said.  "Y'all?"  Glenna asked, " Yeah," Alex said.  "It's  hard not to pick up the accent when you hear it all the time."  "When you're out of school, none of us will be able to understand you," Lyn said with a giggle.

     So,  Alex launched into the telling about Haley and his college friends.  "They sound like nice people," Lee had to admit.  "They are.  And I told them all about y'all too," he said, looking around at them.  His mother suddenly appeared between the living room and kitchen stirring something in a mixing bowl.  "I almost forgot to tell you Alex.  Dawn, Chet, Fletch and Holly are coming over later," she said. Then she went back into the kitchen.  "That's great!" Alex called to her.

     Lee and Glenna alternately told Alex about a few off Broadway plays they were involved in and their up coming play on Broadway it's self.  Alex was excited for them and very proud.  His father Max turned his chair toward his son and asked, "Alex.  How are classes going?"  "Good.  Psychology is actually becoming my second favorite class, just behind Paleontology.  Mostly because of Professor Tibbs who teaches the subject."

Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian BrownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora