Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                         Chapter 25

                                                                            Something Unexpected                                                                                              

     "Okay Amanda," Christian said, "Let's hear who you think found out about the relationship between Alex and Miss Tibbs, and passed the info on to one of Dorian's guys, who passed it to Dorian which led him to come to Elkhart Indiana."  Amanda smirked at him and then said, "Well, what if one of the F.B.I. agents who were in league with Dorian Brown, but not in Australia at Mr. Kincaid's ranch, but was investigating everyone close to Miss Tibbs, some how discovered that she was staying at your parents house Alex, and then, however he did it, checked the school files, found your name and address which matched the address where Miss Tibbs was staying."  

     Alex and the rest of Amanda's friends glanced at each other and then back at her.  "Actually, despite the F.B.I.'s efforts to route out the traitors among them....they could've missed one," Josh said with a shrug.  "I agree," Annie said, giving Amanda a thumbs up.  Amanda grinned at her.  "I should call Agent Brady and tell him of Amanda's brain storm," Alex said, taking out the business card the agent had given him when they first met.

     Then he picked his cell from his jean's pocket and made the call.  The conversation lasted about five minutes and Alex ended it by saying, "Will you let us know what you find out?"  "Yes Alex.  I sure will," Agent Brady told him. "I haven't called my friend Emily for a week or so.  I've been so busy.  "Have you talked to her or Mr. Wells lately?"  "Yes," Alex told him, "And both of them are fine."  "That's good," the agent said. "Talk with you again Alex."

     When Alex rang off, he told his friends what was said.  "Agent Brady said that what you came up with Amanda, very possibly could've have happened."  Amanda tried not to look too pleased with herself.  He's going to hold a meeting with the director of the F.B.I. and the other agents working on the Dorian Brown case.  He also wanted me to tell you Amanda that maybe you should consider a job in Law Enforcement."

      Amanda giggled and after looking at John, said, "I'm not sure Johnathon would be comfortable with that."  "I can assure you, John wouldn't," her boyfriend said sternly.  Everyone laughed, including Amanda.  "Agent Brady also said he would let us know if anything develops from your information Amanda."  

     "Alex," Annie said, turning to look at him. "In light of Amanda's idea and Agent Brady acting on it, do you still want me to check your file?"  "You may as well," Alex told her.  If the file has been compromised it might be important to Agent Brady, no matter who was looking at it.  If that makes sense," Alex ended with an odd look on his face.  "Okay.  First thing in the morning," Annie promised.

     "I think we should probably put Dorian Brown aside for now," Anthony advised, "After all classes start on Monday, and we will need to be focused on our school work."  "True," Justin said.  Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.  However, before Alex and the others could rise from their seats, Alex's cell rang.

     "Hello Mr. Wells," Alex said.  "Alex, I have some news.  Please remain calm and Let me get out what I need to say before you respond."  "Okay," Alex said, suddenly nervous.  Alex's friends saw the intense look on their friend's face and knew in a moment that all things were not well.  "I'm putting you on speaker," Alex told his former teacher.  Suddenly Kelleigh's cell rang.  "It's my Mom guys, I have to take this.  Alex nodded at her and she left the room.

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