Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                        Chapter 24

                                                                                    Back to College                                                                                            

     As it turned out the F.B.I. agents were only guests at the Bishop home for a week.  Miss Tibb's friend, Agent Brady had men stationed at the bus station and the South Bend airports just in case Dorian decided to ride or fly out of town.  In the end, it wasn't one of Brady's men that spotted Mr. Brown.

     It was a citizen of Elkhart who had seen Dorian's image on Television in a news cast and reported  his sighting, in way of a phone call to a number seen on the TV screen.  By the time the person manning the phones at the F.B.I. Federal Building in New York City called Agent Brady, Dorian Brown had already skipped town and had arrived at his destination somewhere in South America.

     Alex and his friends weren't sure how they felt about the situation.  Alex reasoned it was good  that Miss Tibbs was no longer in eminent danger; and neither were Mr. Wells, his parents, Lyndell, himself or Haley.  On the other hand he reasoned, he had hoped that the whole ugly situation could've been resolved quickly right there in the small town of Elkhart Indiana.

     So, Agent Brady told Miss Tibbs that the local police would continue to keep an eye on the house.   And of course she was to call the police to report any suspicious behavior in the vicinity and then to phone him also.  The agent also told Miss Tibbs and the others that the only way Dorian Brown would have looked for her in Elkhart Indiana would have been if someone at the University Of The South, working for Dorian Brown of course, knew the relationship between Alex, and Miss Tibbs. 

      That person would have had to been able to get into the school files, get Alex's address and then tell Dorian where Miss Tibbs might be hiding.  Everyone thought that what the agent had said made a lot of sense.  After bidding everyone a good night Miss Tibbs' friend Agent Brady left the house, along with the plain clothes policemen.  

     Alex got on his cell and called all of his old friends and his college friends telling them what had happened.  After listening to what he had to say, Both sets of friends suggested in different words that they should not dwell the "What Ifs" and enjoy the summer break having good times  and making fond memories.

     And so Alex and his childhood friends did just that.  There were many visits to the beach: Alex and Haley talked Miss Tibbs and Mr. Wells into going along with them a few times.   Janeen, Miss Tibbs, Haley and the girls went on shopping sprees while Alex and the guys and Alex's dad Max, and Mr. Wells took that time to play golf on one of the local courses.

     There were good times around the campfire on a couple of cool nights, where the friends along with Miss Tibbs, Mr. Wells, Max and Janeen roasted Hotdogs, ate Baked Beans, drank Mountain Dew and Pepsi and listened to Alex play tunes on his guitar.  Alex and his friends went horseback riding, saw movies in the local theaters and skated at the Holliday Roller rink.  When it was time to go back to school, everyone agreed they had made the most of their summer.

     Janeen hosted a party for Alex and Haley the evening of September 1st. for they had a flight out the next day.  The food was good, as it always was when Janeen cooked.  Everyone partied until Ten o'clock when Alex said he was beat and reminded everyone that he and Haley and they too had early flights.  So the old friends said goodbye.  

    The next morning,  Max, Janeen, Mr. Wells, Miss Tibbs and Lyn accompanied Alex and Haley to the airport.  Since they were running a little late, Alex and Haley said their quick goodbyes and hurried through the gates.  Haley heaved a great sigh when Alex and she plopped down in their comfortable seats on the plane.

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