Alex Bishop and the Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                         Chapter 21

                                                                                     Back to School

      After a couple of days home with his family and friends, Alex returned to school on the 28th of December and was once again in his dorm room putting his clothes away.  Christian and Annie were at his door.  Annie knocked and Alex hollered, " Come in."  The first words out of Christian and Annie's mouths, speaking in unison was, "How's Professor Tibbs?"  Alex put a pair of jeans down on the bed, he was intending to put his drawer to answer their question.

     "She's good." Then he proceeded to tell the two of them about what had gone on at his house, after Tom Brady the F.B.I. agent had delivered Miss Tibbs to his parents door.  Christian and Annie listened attentively to what he had to say, sometimes with their mouths agape.  They weren't surprised when he mentioned that Dorian Brown had escaped because the story was on every news channel.

     "So," Alex finally ended,  "Professor Tibbs is in good hands at my parents house and well protected by the local police and the F.B.I."  Christian and Annie both heaved sighs of relief.  "Not to mention," Alex added, "that Mr. Wells will protect her with his life if needed.  Which I know we all hope won't be necessary."

     Then, "It's gotta be lunch time," Alex said, throwing the last of his unpacking in a drawer. "Let's go to the cafeteria."  "I'm for that," Christian agreed.  Annie rolled her eyes at both of them but said she could eat too.  So the three friends made their way to the lunch room.  As soon as Alex walked in he spied Amanda and John and the rest of his friends sitting at a table in the back where he and his group of friends always sat.

     Haley stood up and signaled Alex by waving her arms in the air, while a huge smile Blossomed on her pretty face.  Also sitting at the table were Josh, Grace, Anthony, Justin and Kelleigh.  After Alex, Christian and Annie filled their trays, they sat down and Haley gave Alex a big hug and kiss.

     Alex's other friends greeted him too, although with "Hi Fives and "Hellos."  The first words spoken were from Josh who asked, "How Professor Tibbs?"  Alex related to Josh and the rest what he'd told Annie and Christian.  "I'm glad she's alright," Josh said sincerely.  "I am too," Anthony said, "but what about Dorian Brown?  Has anyone one got an update up him since he escaped?"

     "I haven't heard anything," Alex said.  "And I know if there is any news about him, I have a bunch of people back home that will surely let me know," he said confidently, "probably before the local or National news does." "Yeah, that's right," Kelleigh said, as if she were trying to convince herself that they and everyone involved would have ample warning about Dorian Brown's where-a-bouts. 

      "What's everyone doing when we get done with the year and a half we have to go here?"  Annie asked her friends.  Christian and Alex gave each other a tense look.  "Well, Anthony and I are going to run our own Detective Agency," Justin said, with a big smile on his face while Anthony nodded vigorously in agreement.

     "I'm going to be working with a Veterinarian," Kelliegh said, "Ill be learning the ropes so I can be one someday too," she finished and brushing a long blond tress out of her eyes.  "And I'm going to teach pre-school.  I just love little kids," Grace said with a smile.  "I'm going to be staying here in Tennessee and conducting the Coffee County High School Orchestra," Josh announced.  Everyone but Annie looked surprised.

     "I'm staying here too," Annie said with a grin.  Christian looked flabbergasted as he stared at his sister.  "What are you going to be teaching?  How to be the number one student?" he ended with a chuckle.  "Ha. Ha. Very funny brother dear," Annie retorted, "But no, I'm Going to work at the Coffee County High School also, but I'm teaching graphic Arts."

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