Alex Bishop and the Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                      Chapter 31

                                                                                       Evil Plans                                                                                         

     "Alex, "Justin addressed him, "Are you thinking about following the Stubben brothers?"  "If I can't get a hold of Agent Bradly I am," Alex told him.  But he was quick to say, "But I don't expect you all to come with, if you'd rather not.  Annie rolled her eyes and said, "Like we'd let you do this on your own."  Everyone agreed with Annie that they wanted to go.

     "Well, it's six thirty now," Josh said, looking up at the clock on the wall, "We'd better be listening for the twins to leave their room."  "They always slam their door when they leave," Christian said.  Alex and the others went to the door and Alex opened it a bit just in time to see the Stubbens leaving their room and one of them did slam the door shut.

     Alex waited until the boys were walking down the hall and then he and the others walked to to the corner of the stairwell and Alex and Amanda peered around it.  "They're walking to the front doors now," Alex told the others.  "Let's go.  So the friends hurried down the stairs just as the twins were opening the front door.

     All of them raced to the main entrance.  "They're headed to the student parking lot," Johnathon said.  "Let's go," Alex told, them as he and the rest headed to the parking lot in the opposite direction that the brothers went.  When they reached Anthony's van the group piled in And immediately they saw Perry and Paul pull out of their parking place.  "Let's go Anthony," Alex told him.

     Anthony followed the Stubben brothers out of the parking lot at a safe distance on to a two lane road that ran parallel to the highway about a block from the college.  The road was dense with forest growth on both sides.  The twin at the wheel drove two miles down with Anthony following at a safe distance until he came to a small park, which Alex and his friends had never seen before.  It was surrounded by a dense forest of trees.  A very narrow pathway led into the dark woods.

     Which ever brother was driving pulled into the park and onto the snow covered  grass on the left side of the pathway.  When the Stubben brothers went into the park, Anthony parked on a wide cement space on the side of the main road, where his van couldn't be seen by anyone in the park. Then he and the others got out, ran to the edge of the park entrance just in time to see Perry and Paul Stubben starting into the woods.

     Alex motioned for the others to follow him as he ran across the snow covered ground over to the pathway.  he peered around a tree while the others stood just behind him.  "They're far enough ahead now," Alex told his friends, "We'll keep to the side of the lane against the trees so we won't be seen."  So they all followed Alex who followed the Stubben brothers.

   After about ten minutes of walking, the brothers came to what looked like a deserted ranger station.  Alex and the others ducked into the trees, waiting until the boys went in to the place, which is just what Alex and the others expected them to do. "Anthony.  You wouldn't happen to have that recorder with you?"  Alex asked him.  Anthony grinned and said,  "With you as my friend, I never go anywhere without it."

     Alex smirked at him and then said, "There's a window on the side of the place.  Do you see it?"   "Yep," Anthony answered.  "Maybe you can get a good recording from there."  "I'm ready," Anthony said.  Alex told the others, "When you see Anthony and I running from the shack, take off for the van." Alex told his friends.  "No worries about that."  Christian assured him.

Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian BrownWhere stories live. Discover now