Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                     Chapter 29

                                                                                Double Trouble?

     Annie checked the files that very day as soon as she and her friends left the common room.  She copied the information in a note book she carried in her denim bag, the bag she was never with out.  Then she called her friends and asked them to meet her in the common room.  She only had to wait a few minutes for all of them to show up.

     They were lucky in the fact that the common room was empty of other students.  So until someone came in, they didn't have to talk in whispers.  "So, what info did you get?"  Christian asked her.  "You all are not going to believe it," Annie said, opening her notebook.  "Those two boys are twins.  Their names are Perry and Paul Stubben.  They both have light brown hair and brown eyes."

     They are five feet, seven inches tall and slender in build.  And this is the shocker,"  Annie said, her deep, hazel blue eyes wide.  "Their home address is Merry Lane,  Elkhart Indiana."  Nearly everyone gasped.  "They graduated from Elkhart High School the same year you did Alex.  And their parents' house is only two streets east of where your parents live."

     "Who believes their being here at this place and time is just a coincidence?" Annie finished. Everyone agreed that they didn't believe it was.  Alex looked around at his friends and said, "I think we should inform the Dean about this."  Suddenly, someone silently walked up upon the group and asked, "Tell the Dean about what?"  Everyone jumped and looked in the direction the voice had come from. 

     Alex took a deep breath and said, "I swear Professor Wells, I'm going to get a bell to put around your neck,"  Mr. Wells laughed and said, "It's a gift."  Anthony invited him to have a seat on one of the sofas next to him, (the only one left.)  "So what's going on?"  Mr. Wells asked after getting comfortable.

     Alex told him the news and that they were going to the Dean with the information.  His former teacher was glad to hear that.  "I had to see the Dean on a class matter and I know he's still in his office," Mr. Wells told him.  "Annie," Haley addressed her, "I think you and Alex aught to be the ones who tell the Dean about this."

     "After all," Haley continued, " Annie, you got the information and these guys are from your hometown Alex."  "Haley's right," Josh agreed.  Everyone else voiced that Annie and Alex should go.  "I'll go with if you want," Mr. Wells volunteered.  "Thanks," Annie and Alex said in unison.  "We'll wait right here until you all get back," Amanda said, looking at the others.  The rest readily agreed.

     As the three of them were leaving, John said, "Hey Annie...."  Mr. Wells, Alex and Annie all stopped and turned toward him. "Did the twins' cards say what dorm and rooms they were in?"  "Yes." Annie answered soberly. "Our  dorm and two doors down from Alex and Christian."  A look passed between the two friends, but neither of them said anything.   Annie gave everyone a wave as the three of them continued walking out the door.

     It was a short walk to the Dean's office.  The three of them walked right in and told the secretary they needed to see Dean Stanton. (He was new to the school.  The former Dean had taken a sudden retirement.)  The new administrator name was Philip Stanton. He was around fifty years old, a tall slim man with rusty colored hair with a bit of gray here and there.  And he was a good natured man with a ready smile.

     His secretary asked Mr. Wells, Annie and Alex their names and to take seats on a long bench that sat against the wall facing the secretary's desk.  Then she grabbed up the desk phone and told the Dean who was waiting to see him.  Within five minutes Dean Stanton opened his office door and let his visitors in.

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