Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                          Chapter 23

                                                            The Search for Dorian Brown Continues

     As in years past when Alex was involved in a mystery and couldn't keep his mind on his school work, he spent the last semester of his first year of college, wondering where Dorian Brown was holding up.  Thinking it would put an end to his wonderings, he called Mr. Wells and asked him whether he or Professor Tibbs had any updates from the F.B.I. or the local police as to Dorian's whereabouts.  Mr. Wells told him in a frustrating voice, "No Alex.  I'm sorry to say.... we don't.  It seems as though the man has dropped off the face of the earth."  Needless to say, Mr. Wells lack of information didn't ease Alex's tensions at all.

    But he commiserated with his former teacher for a half an hour or so, before he said goodbye and after promising  Mr. Wells he would keep in touch he ended the call.  His college friends were concerned too that there was no new news on Dorian Brown.   Alex told them of his phone conversation with Mr. Wells and they were very disappointed that the F.B.I. and local police had no leads and even though the agents had questioned Dorian's friends, who were now in jail, none of their information was helpful to the F.B.I. or other police agencies in finding out Dorian's hiding places.

     So, the semester finally ended as it had begun with Dorian Brown still at large, and with Miss Tibbs, Alex and his college friends still in potential danger.  But it was now Summer time and Alex and his friend's minds were on going home to see their families and hopefully having good times which would become good memories.  Alex's parents and Lyn met Alex at the airport.  They were all surprised to see that Haley was with him.

     Alex's father Max drove to the Bishop house where Mr. Wells, Dawn and Chet, Lee and Glenna, Fletch and Miss Tibbs ware waiting for them.  There were a lot of hugs from the men and pats on the back and kisses from the girls in the group when Alex and Haley arrived.  "I'm very glad you came Haley," Dawn said, walking her to one of the large sofas in the living room, "but I thought you would be going home to be with your dad for the summer," she added as the two of them sat down.

     "Dad had a summer assignment for "Time" magazine in Greece," Haley answered.  "Wow," Dawn said.  "He asked me if I wanted to go....but I said Alex had invited me here," Haley finished.  Alex grinned at her and said, "And I am very thankful that you have a understanding father."  Haley giggled.

     Miss Tibbs was grateful that she could spend time with two of her favorite students.  She went with Haley as she carried her travel bags downstairs to her room next door to Professor Tibbs' quarters.  Alex's mother Janeen was making lunch for everyone.  She had set the table for   eleven, but then there came a knock at the front door and in a few seconds,  Alex's father Max was welcoming in Nick Crosby, and Fletch's brothers Matt and Sam.

     Janeen quickly set three more plates, napkins, and silverware on the table.  Everyone greeted the newcomers  warmly and Alex introduced Fletch's brothers to Miss Tibbs and then Haley.   During lunch Alex and his friends talked about their college experiences and some childhood memories.  Alex slipped up once as he talked and laughed regarding a caper that he, Dawn, Fletch, Lee and Glenna had helped Detective Burns solve, and one that his parents didn't know about.

     Lyn laughed heartily while Alex's mother stared in horror at her son.  Max was siting at one  end of the table and tried hard not to laugh along with Lyn.  When Janeen started to chide Alex for something he'd done years ago, Max stepped in.  "Janeen.  It's useless to complain about something that happened so long ago."  Alex's mother was going to argue then thought better of it and said, "I suppose you're right."  Dawn gave Alex a stern look, which clearly said, Watch what you say.

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