Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                       Chapter 9

                                                                                 Off to Australia

     When Alex and his friends returned to the house, Max and Janeen were watching the news.  Alex was shrugging off his coat when Dorian Brown's face appeared on the screen.  Alex and the others stopped short in taking off their coats too, to stare wide eyed at the television screen where they all heard the newscaster say: "There is an F.B.I. manhunt on the way for the capture of this man," the newsman said soberly.

     He is suspected of starting a fire in one of the dorms at the University of the South in Coffee County Tennessee last month.  He is also a suspect in dealing in the International Drug trade.  If anyone has knowledge of where this man, Dorian Brown can be found; the F.B.I. is urging said person to come forward," ( the Federal Bureau of Investigation's phone number then appeared on the screen.)  "A reward is being offered if a citizen's information leads to a capture."

     "Citizens are strongly warned not to attempt apprehending this man by themselves.  He is considered to be armed and very dangerous.  Now in other news...."  Alex's mother looked over at him just as he was taking a seat on the other sofa in the room and said in an hysterical voice, "Alex.  Did you know about this?"

     Alex knew at this point he had to fess up to the fact that he and his college friends were the reason that Dorian Brown's face was on the news.  So he told his Mom, Dad and Lyn the whole story.  His parents looked horrified and Lyn looked fascinated.  When he was done, his mother was near to tears.

     "Don't cry Mom.  It is very good news that the F.B.I is now involved.  It's a good thing that our Professor Tibbs has a friend in the Bureau," Alex said, trying to soothe her.  "Your Professor Tibbs seems like a smart lady to me," Mr. Wells said.  "She is," Alex started, "And you'll like this Mom.  She told my college friends and I that we weren't to be involved in any of it."

     Janeen heaved a sigh of relief, along with Max and Mr. Wells.  Then his mother actually laughed, just a little one.  "I can't believe you sat on a toilet to get the information on those guys."  Max, Lyn and his friends laughed and chorused, "We can!"  "I can't help but worry that this mad man with come after you," Alex's mother said in a worried voice.

     Before Alex could speak, his father did.  " Look honey.  I'm sure that this Dorian Brown is out of the country by now.  And I'm sure the F.B.I. will track him down," he said soothingly.  Janeen took another deep breath.  "I suppose you're right," she said.  "Who wants snacks?" she asked, standing and heading for the kitchen.

     As soon as she was out of the room, Alex walked over to his father's chair and gave him a one armed hug.  "What was that for?" he asked.  "Oh," Alex started, "You always know what to say."  "Lots of practice," Max answered.  Then Alex's dad puffed out his cheeks, while rubbing his chin, and said in a great imitation of the actor, Marlon Brando,  "One day I may require a service from you."  Alex, Lyn and his friends roared with laughter.  "What's so funny in there?" Janeen called from the kitchen.

     The Friday before Alex and his friends were to leave for their respective colleges and lives, Glenna rang up her pastor, (who had been told the wedding date previously and  was asked to perform the simply ceremony.) and said she and Lee were ready to go.  She gave him the address and he said he would be over in about ten minutes.

     Glenna had brought a green silk dress to wear and Lee was wearing a pair of black jeans, white casual shirt with a light weight black jacket.  Dawn, Glenna's Matron of Honor, had packed a nice dress just in case the group was going out to dinner while they were in town.  Just by luck it was a lighter green than Glenna's, so perfect for the wedding.

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