Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian Brown

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                                                                                       Chapter 19

                                                                                 The Homecoming

     The plane's wheels were down and the pilot was preparing to land at the South Bend Airport, with Mr. Wells and Alex Bishop aboard.  It was the end of December and a blustery snowy day in Elkhart Indiana. Mr. Wells and Alex were in light conversation as the plane descended. Then Alex changed the subject. "So...., Alex begin, "It's nice you and Miss Tibbs are getting along so well."

      Mr.  Wells looked stunned at first that Alex would say something so personal, (Mr. Wells was very old fashioned) and after a moment or two he became embarrassed.  "Well, we've decided we'd like to keep company with each other when we can."  "I think it's great!"  Alex said, "I knew you two would hit it off," he said with a sly smile.

     "And you were correct," Mr. Wells said simply, looking out the window for a moment. But then back at Alex with a mischievous smile of his own.  "Since we're being so candid with each other...." Mr. Wells continued, with a raised brow, "What plans do you have with Haley?"  Alex promptly turned red.  He wasn't expecting Mr. Wells to "turn the tables" on him.  "You know.... I now realize my question to you was very rude," he said with his lopsided grin in place.

     Mr. Wells tossed his head back and laughed which cause several passengers to turn in their seats to look at him.  Mr. Wells then leaned closer and whispered near Alex's ear, "Is she the one?"  Alex looked around quickly as if he was concerned about someone listening in and whispered back, "I don't know," he said, with orneriness in his voice.

     Mr. Wells just shook his head at his friend and turned back to look out of the window again just as the plane landed on the tarmac.  Mr. Wells and Alex entered the terminal, which was almost void of would be passengers.  It was Friday morning and Alex expected the place to be crowded.  The lack of people did enable he and Mr. Wells to clearly see his parents and Lyn waiting for them.

     But they weren't wearing the happy smiles they usually did when he came home.  Mr. Wells notice the somber faces too.  "What do you think it is?" Alex asked as he and Mr. Wells quickened their pace.  "I can't imagine but we'll find out."  When they reached his parents and sister, Alex immediately said, "What's wrong?'

     "There's no easy way to say this," his father Max said, casting an anxious glance at Mr. Wells. "Dorian Brown escaped as the F.B.I was moving him to L.A. County Jail."  "That's a shocker Dad.  But why are you all so upset about it?  I mean, naturally I hope that they recapture him again.  And I'm sure the F.B.I. is right on it.  Dorian is probably headed for parts unknown where no one can find him."

"Ordinarily, I wouldn't be upset about it.  But there's more."  "Mr. Wells and Alex glanced at each other.  "What is it Dad?"  "He's threatening to punish the person who turned him in to the authorities," Max said.  Mr. Wells' face immediately turned very pale.  "I've got to phone Emily," he said in an anxious voice.  Max put his hand on Mr. Wells shoulder and said, "She already knows.  She called just before we came to meet you Otis.  She's coming here to stay with us."

     Mr. Wells breathed a sigh of relief.  "I'm so glad to hear that," he said.  Max went on, "Professor Tibbs' friend from the F.B.I. is escorting her.  I think his name is Bradley," Max finished.  "Let's go to the house," Alex's mother Janeen said, "We can talk more there.  "Yes Otis," Max agreed. "Janeen has fixed a brunch for all of us."  So, the group left the airport and Max drove them home.

     Mr. Wells did put in a call to Professor Tibbs to find out when her plane was coming in.  She told him she was scheduled to land in South Bend at two o'clock that afternoon.  "I'll see you then," Mr. Wells told her.  While Mr. Wells was talking with Professor Tibbs, Janeen and Lyn were setting the dinning room table for brunch.  Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Alex went to answer it. "Hey Mom!" Alex called, "Dawn and Chet, Lee and Glenna, and Fletch are here."

Alex Bishop and The Elusive Dorian BrownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora