17 - Akansha's Panic Attack

Start from the beginning

What? He is really something! Who comes all the way to speak with me just to know what I am scared of? Is he that much worried about his fear of being known by me??

"You can drive at a normal speed. There is a park near my home. If you want, we can speak there for sometime ",I said, surprising myself again.

Where did this idea come from?? 'From you only' ,my inner voice mocked. 'Silence', I shushed her.

"Okay ",he answered with a surprised expression and started driving fast.

I got down from the car once we had reached home and I walked alongside Parth towards the park.

Since it was night time, no one was around. The place was so calm, pleasant and peaceful. I sat on a bench and he sat next facing me.

The dim yellow light coming from the street pole made his face look more handsome than before. This is so cruel! How could God create such a handsome man? He is a person of perfection in all departments; except character.

"Tell me about you ",he demanded with his eyes piercing me.

"Me? There is nothing much about me. "

"I feel like you are asking me to self-introduce myself like they do in school ",I said with a chuckle.

I felt his lips slightly curving which seems like he is controlling himself not to smile. My eyes are betraying me for sure!

"Why are you doing part-time jobs? "

How can I tell the whole truth? No one knows except me, Kryz and my family.

"I am struggling to run my life as I don't have much money with me. Luckily, I got the chance to work at Green World. I am glad that I got the job ",I said the same reason I say to others. What I said was true too in a way!

He stared at me differently.

"What? ",I asked. Is he thinking that I am not equal to his status for me to speak with him?

"You are different ",he stated. "The girls I met would boost their achievements, success and wealth to me. But you are speaking about your financial struggles so easily. I think you are proud of yourself. Am I right? "

Did he just praise me? Why did you think of him as a person who sees status? You are a fool! He is so sweet and understanding but you are thinking him the wrong way!

"Yes, I am proud of myself. I am happy that I am independent now ",I said truthfully with a smile.

"Where is your family? "

My face went pale hearing the question, Family?

Family? The faces of my family came running through my mind, the memories I tried my best to lock deep inside me.

"They are living where they need to be ",I whispered. It's a very sensitive topic to me!

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked about it ", he said, sensing my short reply.

I nodded my head in response. I looked at the sky which was void of stars. Is it going to rain? Oh no! This can't happen! I could see the rainy clouds too.

"It's getting late. Can we go and speak some other time? "

"Why are you feeling nervous? "

"It's getting dark too. "

He looked at the sky. "Are you afraid of rain? ",he asked.

"No, I am not. We can go now "I stood fast to move but he held my hand and pushed me towards him causing me to sit on his lap!!

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