"Lin, you're home early."

"Yeah well, you know."

"I do not know, perhaps you'd like to enlighten me?" Kya said, a grin tugging at her lips as she put her hands to the edge of lins jacket, using it as a grip to pull her into a kiss.

"I mean, you know, I have you to come home to now."

"So I'm yours incentive?" Kya smirked as she pulled off Lin's coat, hanging it next to the door.

"Precisely."   Kya scoffed, giving Lin a playful side eyed as she turned back to the kitchen.

"Supper is almost ready. I was going to get Po's but I found this recipe and I just had to-" she stopped as the room went dark.
"What the?" She said as she turned around. Her eyes widened as Lin was standing by the kitchen table, illuminated by a sole candle behind herm
"Lin?" She asked, a hitch in her breath.

"Kya, I have never felt this way about anyone before,"

"Lin," she gasped, suddenly aware of what was happening.

"You make me want to relax, I can't stop thinking about you, and everything you mean to me. I love you Kya, so, so much." Lin reached behind her back, pulling out a small velvet box. She opened it, revealing a bright silver betrothal necklace. It was engraved with the symbols of earth and air, an arrow, symbolizing her family, and a small flying boar, symbolizing Lin's.

"Oh my raava..." kya whispered. Her hand reached out to Lin's arm, as she got closer to it.
"Lin... I-" she stammered, unable to communicate through her powerful smile.

"Is that a yes?" Lin asked, a hopeful gleam in her eye. Kya pushed herself forward, pulling Lin into a short  passionate kiss. Lin almost dropped the box in surprise.

"One thousand times yes!" Kya responded through her own tears. Lin kissed her again, and Kya sunk into her touch.

"Do you want to put it on?"

Kya was jostled awake by the movement of her body. She groaned, and the pulling at her feet halted.

"Kya?" A voice said, and she tried to open her eyes, but the light sent her head into a spiral.

"Kya!" She felt familiar hands grip her face, and emerald eyes stared into hers.
"I need you to wake up," the eyes told her. "I thought I lost you." Ky blinked. The pain in her mouth to much to talk through.  Tears fell from the eyes, and tears form at the edges of her own.

"Kya, we are going to get through this," Lin said. Lin. Pull me out. She wanted to say. Dont stop. It could blow again. But she couldn't. She felt her eyes closing again, and she willed them to stay open, but fatigue was overcoming her.

"Kya? Kya! Don't fall asleep. Kya please!" Lin begged. Kya reached her hand up, it seemed this one wasn't broken. She tried to smile, although she wasn't entirely sure she did, as she gripped her lovers face. Lin's eyes went dark, and Kya wanted to cry for her. I love you, Lin.

Lin broke into a violent sob, Kya's eyes shut and everything she had ever loved disappeared in front of her. She screamed, a chunk of earth rising behind her. She crawled inside the train, picking up Kya with her arms, being a large hole in the wall, hopping out of the train car, ignoring the burns on her feet. She walked a ways, the sun was setting and darkness took over the crash site she held Kya in her arms as she flopped down next to a rock. She held up Kya's head, staring at her eyelids, waiting for them to open. A small pool of water rippled next to her. She would have given anything in that moment to be a water bender, so she could heal Kya, and they could walk home, together.

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