-32- Chanyeol Happy ending(?)

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- Back to the park-

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

**did i heard it right? He likes me...** I look down on the grass and said," Baekhyun oppa....to be honest...i like you too but...i-i still love Chanyeol, jinjja mianhae" i grabbed onto the edge of the bench and shut my eyes tightly. Surprisingly, Baekhyun just rubbed my back and said, "it's okay, I understand... don't be awkward buddy, we're still best friend." he show me his cheeky smile. "Let's have a friendly date tomorrow, nae?" he asked excitedly. "Nae" i replied with an eye smile.

-Next Day

I wore a white T-shirt with a black hoodie and skinny jeans before walking out of my apartment and started walking down the streets with Baekhyun.

Chanyeol's P.O.V

Today is my last chance. I need to get her back. I grabbed my coat and leave the house, walking down the streets that lead to (Y/N)'s house. I was on my way when i spotted 2 familiar figure at the opposite side of me, it was indeed, (Y/N) and Baekhyun hyung. **Why is Baekhyun hyung always with her whenever i come? He likes (Y/N) don't he?** I walked up to the two of them and grabbed onto (Y/N)'s wrist. " We need to talk" i said calmly yet firm looking into her eyes.

-At the park-

"(Y/N)-ah... jebal.... give me one last chance..just one..." i said as i hold onto both of her hands.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

**I think it's about time i forgive him....** I look up at him and said,"only in one condition" i held up my index finger. He look at me hopefully and asked, "w-what is it?" "you...can only love me, no other girls, no drinking, no clubbing without me with you and no hanging out with other girls, okay?" i said while counting using my fingers. He suddenly pulled me into his embrace and shouted, "YES! I PROMISED! THANK YOU SO MUCH JAGIYA! I LOVE YOU!!" he swayed our body from right to left. "haha, love you too" i replied and smile while resting my head on his chest. || END ||

wondering why i posted this?  cause I'm god damn bored right now. so for those who want to read this yeol's ending, here you go~ Happy Chinese New Year Everyone! - admin Phoeb

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