-42- Stalked

643 15 2

Member: Xiumin
Admin: ◇●♡Z☆X☆Y♡◇

"Hyung, who are you texting?" Baekhyun tilted his head to the direction of his hyung as he observes the older typing furiously on his phone before sliding the phone back into his pocket. "Mwuh?" The male raised his eyebrows as soon as he realises that the whole group was staring at him. The younger boys chuckled, "Hyung, you've been texting a lot recently, you know?" Chen walked over to Xiumin and places his arm over his neck, giving him a smirk. "Is it a girl?" He teased. "What? Aniya. Go away, idiot." Xiumin rolled his eyes and pushed Chen away before moving to another seat. Just as he sat down, his phone let out a notification ringtone. As fast as light, he swiftly took out his phone and checked the notification. He let out a soft grin before unlocking his phone and continued to type away. The members looked at him curiously. To be honest, it was their first time seeing their hyung so actively messaging. He doesn't even talks in their group chat unless it's compulsory. Tao sent Baekhyun a look and Baekhyun immediately nodded. He went up behind Xiumin and did an attempt to peek at who he was texting with. Xiumin was so engrossed in his phone that he didn't even realise that another soul was creeping on him. "Cutie...pie?" Baekhyun slowly read out. Xiumin's head rang at the words said by the younger as he swiftly turned back and stood up, glaring at him. "What the hell? Cutiepie? Who's that?" Baekhyun teased as he gave Xiumin an evil grin. "Neo yeoja chigu?" Suho asked, interested. "None of your business." Xiumin plainly answered as he lifted up his phone once again when the notification came up. "Aww, hyung. Are you secretly having a girlfriend behind our backs?" Tao chuckled as he repositioned his cushion. "Shut up, idiot." Xiumin shot him a glare. Tao grinned playfully.

Xiumin stood up from his seat moments later, alarming the rest of the members. "Where are you going, hyung?" Baekhyun asked, keeping his gaze at the older who was grabbing his jacket, ready to leave. "Out." The male replied, scanning the room in search for his items. "With?" Tao continued asking, ready to stand up and hold the older back if he doesn't answer. "Someone." Xiumin grabbed his keys and wallet, stuffing them into his pocket. Tao and Baekhyun exchanged glances. "(Y/N)?" They asked in unison, trying hard to hide that playful grin. Xiumin froze at the name, turning back to look at them almost immediately. "NO." He shot them another annoyed glare before proceeding to leave the house.

Tao and Baekhyun exchange glances once again, before letting out a small smirk. Baekhyun turned to the other members and asked, "Hey, wanna stalk?" He laughed. "What?" Suho requested for a repeat (Obviously, gramp's ears can't work well). "He said if you guys wanna stalk Xiumin-hyung to find out who he's going out with." Tao rolled his eyes as he plopped onto the sofa. "Xiumin-hyung have been texting and going out a lot lately, I wanna find out who is he meeting." Baekhyun continued. "Then you go, I'm lazy." D.O randomly found an excuse to get away. You know, he was never interested in digging into people's business anyway. "Let them have some privacy, he'll need to tell us one day anyways." Kai said as he stretched his arms out from resting too long. "I wanna go! HAHAHAHAHAHA WHO NEEDS PRIVACY WHEN YOU HAVE A FRIEND LIKE ME MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Chen burst out laughing, such a troll. "I'll go too, there's nothing to do here anyways." Sehun joined in. "Add me in" Luhan added. "Me too." "Me three." "Count me!" Suho looked at the people around him that decided to go. He hesitantly said, "A-Alright, I'll go too." Now the eyes were on the last two. "So... you guys?" Chanyeol locked his eyes at the last two. The rest of the members started to creep nearer to them. D.O looked at them as he raised an eyebrow, "What?" The members crept nearer and nearer, until there was no light left for the two close friends. "Fine." Kai and D.O let out a heavy sighed.

You were at the park nearby, sitting on the swing as you waited for Xiumin's arrival. You looked down and clutched tightly onto the vacuum flask you had in your hands. It was some hot chocolate you had made before coming out as the weather was really cold and you didn't want Xiumin to catch a cold. You opened the flask and checked if the hot chocolate was still hot, it's been quite a long while you've waited and you wondered what took Xiumin so long to turn up. Just as you place the lid of the flask back on, you heard a familiar voice call out to your name. "(Y/N)!" You lifted your head up and immediately flashed your brightest smile, "Xiumin-oppa." Xiumin grinned and went over to ruffle your soft hair, to realise that you had a vacuum flask held tightly in your hands. "Hmm? What's that?" Xiumin raised am eyebrow, directing your attention to the flask you've been holding all this while. "A-Ah! This is some hot chocolate I've prepared earlier... The weather is cold s-so... I-I didn't want you to catch a cold..." You stuttered as you blushed at your own sentence. Xiumin chuckled and took the flask from you, "Thanks, want some?" Xiumin offered as he opened the lid and pushed the flask to your eye level. "U-Uh, I've already had some just now..." You mentally facepalmed. Why the heck are you so friggin' nervous. Xiumin took a few sips from the hot chocolate and switched his gaze to you. He studied your expression and smiled. He reached his hand out and tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ears. Your eyes turned wide as you felt yourself blushing once again. Darn it. "You look cute today, (Y/N)." Xiumin complimented as he studied your dressing. Nothing much actually, you only wore a black winter jacket along with a huge red scarf that covered almost half of you face along with a ponytail that went with your light brown hair. You were heating up.

On the other hand, there was a bunch of idiots that couldn't be more obvious than anything.

"Hyung! Why'd you push me?"

"I want to see, darn you cockblocker."

"I want to see too!"

"Aish shut up!"

"Keep quiet you guys, we're gonna get caught if this goes on!"

"Your loud voice that is trying to warn us to be quiet doesn't help either!"

"Friggin' idiots."

"You're no better."

"Oh my goodness what are they doing?"

"What the hell?"

"Hyung stop pushing me!"

"You're a fat ass that's your problem."

"I'm a kilogram lighter than you excuse me."

"A kilogram makes no difference."

"Why you-"





"Who's there?"


"So you've been stalking us this whole time?" Xiumin widen his eyes, running a hand through his hair. "So you've been keeping this a secret from us this whole time?" Baekhyun widen his eyes, running a hand through his hair. Xiumin glare at him, "Don't copy me you idiot."

"Well then tell us why you wanted to date behind our backs."

"Because there are some things I can't let you idiots know."

"We are your groupmates for goodness sake!"

"I am your hyung for goodness sake!"

"Don't copy me you idiot."

"You saying that just makes you copy what I just said moments ago."

"Glad you realised."

"W-What's happening?" You interrupted, causing the boys to turn their attention to you. D.O walked up to you and explained, "Well apparently someone has been keeping his relationship with you a secret from us. So we wanted to find out what's going on." You raised an eyebrow, "R-Relationship?" "Yeah, Xiumin-hyung have been texting on his phone a lot lately and it's super, when I mean super, its legit, he's so engrossed in his phone. Heck, he was texting with someone he setted as 'Cutiepie'." Baekhyun indirectly teased you, hopefully you get what he means. Fortunately, you did, you felt blood rush to your cheeks. "CUTIE-" Xiumin slammed his palm onto Baekhyun's mouth and pulled him away, "N-Nothing." The boys furrowed their eyebrows, before pulling in an evil smirk, "Looks who's embarrassed~"
"SHUT UP! I SWEAR I'M GONNA KILL YOU GUYS TONIGHT AND GROUND YOU INTO COFFEE AND MAKE MYSELF A SAVORY COFFEE OUT OF YOUR BLOOD." Xiumin hollered and turned his back to hide his embarrassed self. You giggled.

How cute.

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