-44- Water

427 6 0

Member: Suho
Admin: °☆Phoeb☆°

Have you ever wonder how would your life be if you're supernatural? I used to have the same thought too, but after experiencing it in real life... I've regretted. Or maybe not.

I was 15 years old when this happened. I was at the beach with my mother and I was running around with my best friend, Suho, whom I've invited to join the picnic. At that time, we were playing together until I heard my mother calling for us from the shore. "Kids! Come back here and eat!" "Neh!" Suho and I shouted in unison.

We were having our meal halfway when my mother pulled me up and walked towards the sea. I didn't know what was she up to, so I just followed. I was just kicking the sand at my feet when my mother suddenly spoke. "(Y/N)-ah, do you want to know how underwater looks like?" she asked, holding my wrist. I pondered for a while, finally nodding my head. My mother led me further into the sea, but I don't know why, or how, the fact that I didn't even realised that the water had reached my waist line.

Suddenly, her relentless hands grabbed my head and forced it under the water. I struggled to break free but to no avail. 'You'll be alright' I hear my mother's words in my mind. 'I promise ...Just relax and breathe in' My lungs are pure fire now. I have to breathe... I have to break free and go back up to the surface... but I've no strength left to fight her.

I open my mouth and the water rushes in. 'I'm gonna die' I thought. Black spots dance across my eyelids. Then all of a sudden, I coughed and choked, and then it hit me. I can breathe again. I gasp and gulped, trying to get used to the incredible sensation of cold water rushing in and out my chest.

Seeing that I had stopped struggling, my mother finally let go of my head. I ring my head up, scanning my surroundings, only to find that my mother had disappeared and Suho was looking at me, I sprinted towards him as fast as a deer, blocking the water currents from making me unable to walk as fast. "OPPA!" I yelled while running. Stopping infront of him, his calm reaction make me think twice if the incident really happened or I was just hallucinating. "Oppa...what happen?" I asked him slowly, giving him the suspicious look. He did saw what has happened, didn't he?

Before he could even answer, a loud bombing sound was heard not far away from us. Turning around, smoke was seen coming out of the cabin at the beach. People started moving, running away for their lives. I stood up, trying to pull Suho up but he didn't budge. "YAH OPPA! KKA!" I yelled, panicking, but he didn't seems to hear me. A bright light shine on us suddenly, looking up, a fire ball was 'flying' directly at us. "AHH!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, covering myself up with my bare hands, I closed my eyes tight, waiting for death to overtake me.

Waited for minutes, I thought I was dead, but I wasn't. Opening my eyes, Suho stood in front of me spreading his arms, allowing an invinsible wall to protect us from the hit. I blinked once, twice, thrice. *So.he's supernatural, isn't he?* I thought to myself. "DON'T JUST SIT THERE (Y/N)! HELP ME!" He yelled. I panicked once again, looking back at him, I replied, "How am I supposed to help when I have no power?" I was a bit offended. "YOU DO (Y/N)! YOU DO. YOU CONTROL WATER, YOU HAVE POWERS, LIKE ME. SO HELP ME NOW!" He screamed yet again, losing his cool.

*That's why I could breathe in water just now? But how do I use my power?...* I was confused as I asked myself, slowly standing up. Not knowing what to do, I decided to put both of my palm on Suho's back, closing my eyes, thinking of the feeling when I found out I could breathe underwater. Opening my eyes, it turned sky blue. I waved my hands around, water from the sea floated and followed my hand's gesture. Thinking that the water was finally ready to attack, I swung my hand to the front, the water flew straight towards the the fire ball, finally extinguishing it. Suho put down his hand and panted. "Oppa, what happened to my mother just now and...how do you know I'm supernatural?" I asked him as soon as he stood up. He hesitated for a while, before grabbing my shoulder and looked at me seriously, "Y/N-ah, your mother...she...gave you her power and..disappeared." he immediately averted his gaze and pull off a disappointed face.

I looked at him blankly, processed his words, unable to believe him. A tear slipped down my cheek unguarded, I started to weep. Using his thumb to wipe my tears away, he pulled me into his embrace. "Gwenchana...I'm here, just cry all you want" he cooed. Still trying to hold back my cries, I failed miserably. Hugging him back twice as tight, my cries were muffled. Hearing another explosion, both me and Suho shot our head up and turned to the direction of the sound. I wiped my tears and blinked a few times to clear my vision. I calmed my emotions down and gently clutched onto Suho's arm, looking back to the direction of the smoke. However, more smoke came out from another cabin. I turned my head towards Suho as he turned towards me at the same time. "Let's go, they need our help." I whispered to him, releasing my hand from his. Giving each other a small nod, Suho smiled, leaning in and placed a kiss on my lips. "Put those for later," He whispered, quickly shooting a huge water ball, causing it to split into two and formed a water sheild to both sites of the smoke, "I feel powerful like this." He ended, leaning in again and gave me a passionate kiss. "Me too." I whispered in the kiss, controlling my power at the same time. Finally, the place became clear and water droplets showered down. We broke the kiss and smiled. Suho chuckled, "It's great, let's be like this together." I returned the chuckle, gently caressing his face.

"Why not?"
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