-23- Don't Dare

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Christmas Special

Member: Lay

Waking up from my deep slumber, I pick up my phone and realised that I have received 3 messages from Yixing a.k.a Lay. I still couldn't get over that shitload of work my stupid manager gave me yesterday, which made me feel so exhausted here early in the morning.

L: wake up jagiya~

L: Let's meet at the cafe today! I'll wait for you at 12 there! Love ya!

L: why aren't you replying my message? *pout*

My mood brighten up just by his messages. I didn't really have the mood to answer his texts, probably because I'm as lazy as a pig. I made my way towards my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of jeans and shirt, preparing for the meet-up with my sleepy eyes. I could've never afford to disappoint my dear boyfriend out there. Yes, I know not replying his messages is already an offense to your boyfriend but I'm just too lazy to okay? I quickly washed myself up, glancing at the clock which indicated that I had only a few more minutes before being late, I groaned as my sleepiness had controlled my speed of doing things. I immediately left the house once I grabbed my phone.

On my way, I mentally cursed my stupid manager for giving me extra work the day before just because he wants to get it all done before Christmas. I brought my wrist up and glanced at my wrist watch. Great, I'm late. As soon as I reached the cafe, I scanned for the familiar figure before approaching one. "Oppa, sorry I'm late." I said in a cold tone as I was still kinda sleepy. "No, It's okay." He said with an assured tone. I gave him a weak smile and nodded my head slighty. Suddenly, the thought of having a break from work struck my mind. I would rather get deducted on my salary for the frequent absence in work than ot being abe to meet my boyfriend. Besides, it's Christmas, the stupid manager should know their employees' rights and give them leave on Christmas, not just giving yourself one and leave the rest working. "Oppa," I started as Lay looked up at me, furrowing his eyebrows curiously. "Hmmm?" He signalled me to continue. Knowing that he is in the most popular band, he wouldn't be allowed to get leave so easily. Aish... why didn't I think of it. "N-Nothing..." I stuttered, running through my mind was the stupidness of myself. Lay hated the fact that I was stuttering, it seems like I really want to say something important but don't have the guts to open my mouth. He bent down a little and met my eyes, which had its gaze dropped. "Say, (Y/N)." His voice turned firm. I shouldn't have brought this up in the first place.

I know that he loves his job very much, what if he burst and starts a conflict with me due to the fact that I tried to "stop" him from working? I decided to put all negative thoughts aside and pluck up my courage to ask him. I knew it wasn't a difficult task, but to someone that's at the edge of starting something really bad with her dearest, I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth, wanting to say something similiar to "I just wanna say that I'm not really hungry and I will just take some desserts." but I ended up asking "Can we have a break-" I knew that instant that I have just slipped something that I didn't want to but it just came in handy that Lay "saved" me like god. He slammed the table, causing me to chortle a little. "Don'd joke around with me, (Y/N)." His words were kinda shaky. I fell stunned. I had an idea what he was talking abuout. Maybe its because he had too much stress till he was insane? Who knows.

"I-I will go out and get some fresh air" He said as he stood up, proceeding to the entrance. I grabbed onto his sleeve as he walked pass me. I stared into hs eyes, trying to process his mind. After a while, I got it. I chuckled metally at how naive he was. I held onto his shoulder tightly and stared at the floor, not daring to look up. My action just make him more anxious since I look like I am gonna lose my breathe in any minute. After a while, I can't hold it any longer and burst out laughing. "BUAHAHAHA OMG Yixing oppa! I mean we need to have a break until the end of Christmas!" I told him while laughing. My stomach started to ache. He just mistook the whole thing and made a fuss out of himself, how could I not laugh? All eyes was on us as I swept those stares aside. Yixing looked at me, utterly shocked for what I've said. "U-uh really? A-haha" He laugh nervously while scratching the nape of his neck, avoiding contact once a while. Holding onto my stomach, I said, " Don't worry oppa, I will never leave you" and smiled with my crescent eyes.

|| END ||

sorry for the late post guys. Admin Lavena need time to think of another plot and we need to edit it after writing so... ITZLIDDAT

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