

That's how many times I've woken up since going to bed. It's a little bit past midnight, and my back is killing me. I swing my legs over my bed side and sit there as I let the pain pass.

"What's going on?" Wei asks. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just have to go to the bathroom."

"I think we should go see Katara. You don't sound like you're ok," Wei tells me worryingly.

"No, I'm fine. My back just hurts a little bit... And maybe my feels a little weird, and my feet are swollen, and don't get me started about my v-"

"You've been moaning and groaning for hours now, Li. You're not hurting a little bit, more like a lot-a-bit. We're going to see Katara," he says sturnly.

He walks out of the room and quickly returns with Mako and Bolin trailing behind him.

"Sis!" Bolin exclaims. "Are you ok?! Do you need anything?! Do you want me to carry you?!-"

"Bolin! Shut up," Mako yells. "What's wrong, Li Na?"

"Pain, everywhere."

"I'm taking her to Katara," Wei says while grabbing my bags.

My brothers leave to go get Katara and Suyin. I sit at the edge of the bed watching Wei get everything. With every moment that goes by, my body aches more and more. The sharp pains come in waves. It stops for a moment or two and then starts back again. And every moment that goes by, the intervals between each pain gets smaller and smaller. I think I may be in labor, but my water has yet to break. This is so scary, maybe Bolin's scare tactic worked. I'm going to kick him in the butt!

"Don't look like that, everything is going to be fine. Our boys are going to be happy and healthy, and you are going to get through this like a champ," Wei tries to calm me.

"I'm scared. I know I've done this before, but this time they're coming home with us. I just... I want to be a good mom. I mean, closest thing I've had to a mother is Bolin, and he use to leave Pabu to babysit me until Mako found out. How am I suppose to know what to do?" I ask.

"You're going to be an incredible mom! Why else would would Wu and his wife trust you to carry their own child? Because you're good and you're kind, Li Na. You're a great person and a great wife. Our boys are going to be lucky to have you. And I know your mom is watching over you. She is so proud of you, and so am I."


"Come on, Li Na! Push!" Suyin encourages me.

As soon as we made it to Katara's, my water broke, and I was rushed to a bed and started pushing. The pain I'm feeling is agonizing. I'd rather be set on fire then ran over by a Satomobile than to ever go through this again, but if I didn't learn my lesson the first time of going through this, then most likely it won't help the next time. Wei and I want a big family, so we're not done yet- well, let's see how this goes first.

Moments later, the sound of a tiny cry fill the room. Music to my ears.

"Baby number one is out!" Katara tells me happily.

"It's a boy!" Suyin announces.

Mako, Asami, Korra, and Wei's siblings cheer from outside of the room as I smile up at Wei. I am so tired and in so much pain, but hearing my baby cry makes me so happy and encourages me to keep going so I can have both of my babies out. It was such a long pregnancy, I'm ready for them to join us.

Bolin passed out, so Mako had to drag him out of the room, and he's currently on the floor being fanned by Opal. I told him not come in!


Elegance (An LOK Story)(Major Editing in Process)Where stories live. Discover now