#4: Andy Copper

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Name: Andrew Garfield 'Andy' Copper

Age: 12 (permanently)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic

Favorite Color: Red

Status: Alive

Height: 61.2"

Weight: 73 Ib.

Favorite Animals: Panthers

Bio: Andy is the 3rd clone to be created and the 4th Copper kid overall. Andy Copper is known as one of the bruisers, the other being Joey. Andy is also known for his short fuse and explosive temper, often being the one to yell at Joey when he does something stupid or puts him, his friends, and Andy himself in danger. So he's also the one to have a lot of snark, usually with a sarcastic tone of voice. But, even though he won't admit it, he does care deeply about his friends and family, including the one he has the most gripes with, Joey. And if you mess with his family, Joey included, you'll be given one HECK of a beating, which makes sense due to the fact that, since he's a clone of Danny, has, alongside the no lust and ability to not age, has the super strength to send you to the multiverse and beyond. Especially if he's angry. So word of advice, DON'T get on Andy's bad side. A quick way to get on his bad side is if you try to brainwash, hypnotize or bribe him, cause he and his family aren't brainwashable, hypnotizable, or bribable, so you're more than likely to see a very peeved Andy looking at you.

Physical Appearance: Caucasian skin, red hair done up in a cowlick, dark blue eyes, and freckles


Everyday: A red two-layered shirt, with the base being red and the long sleeves being dark-red, a fire emblem on the right side, denim jeans, and red sneakers.

Fall: A red two-layered shirt, with the base being red and the long sleeves being dark-red, a fire emblem on the right side, a red hoodie jacket, denim jeans, and red sneakers.

Winter: A red fur-collared heavy jacket, a red two-layered shirt with a fire emblem on the right side, a red beanie, a pair of red gloves, denim jeans, and red winter boots.

Beachwear: A red Bermuda shirt opened, a red swim top, red swimming trunks with dark-red accents, and red sandals or red sneakers.

Nightwear: A shirt that says "#FLAMEON" with a picture of a chibi-looking flame with sunglasses on underneath, pants with his fire emblem scattered around it, and light-red socks.

Formal: A dark-red suit top, a red tie, a light-red dress-shirt, dark-red dress-pants, and dark-red dress shoes or red sneakers.


Mother: Pepper Copper

Father: Shawn Nickleson-Copper

Siblings: Danny, Stanley, Joey, Mike, Rosie, Tyler, Zack, Henry, Ethan, Katie, Doug, Leo, Ray, Cassie, and Chris

Friends: David, Rhea, Delora, Robbie, Rebecca, Alex, Scott, Scarlett, Ivan, Ivy, Viktor, and Valerie

Cousins: Trixie and Marx

Uncle: Peter Nickleson

Aunt: Georgia Copper-Nickleson


Likes: His family, his friends, fire, messing with Stanley, being sarcastic, sharks and flamethrowers

Dislikes: Lust, sexual things, rapists, perverts, anyone who hurts his family and friends, Joey's antics, bloody rocks, and mosquitoes

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