Chapter 34

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A/n: I am going to dedicate this chapter to Christel_of_Midgard because of the nice comments she has left me. Thank you Hun!  Your comments and votes are much appreciated. :) Keep being awesome!

Previously on, "My Fair Maiden":
"Eve gave me the most interesting message." I said as I wrote it out.
"Ok, and that is?" He asked impatiently.
"I am not Eve, but Veronica Red. She fucking changed her name."
I sat back in my chair, and scanned over the paper.
"If she wanted to hide, why did she tell me her new name? If she comes back, I'll be able to recognize her and her name. " I said out loud, and Sherlock stopped pacing.
"Good question." He mumbled, and I stood up. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Sarah's number.
"This is Sarah. " She said professionally, and I chuckled.
"You need to start checking caller ID.  Anyhow, I need a favor!" I said and I heard Sarah grabbing different things.
"Ok, you said favor and not flavor. This is definitely serious." She said and I nodded.
"Yeah, it is." I said.
"Ok, what is the favor?" she asked and I sighed.
"Look up a "Veronica Red" for me, please." I said and I heard Sarah laugh.
"Why? " she asked and I sighed.
"Eve changed her name. That's the name, and I need to find her." I said and Sarah stopped writing.
"Why? " Sarah asked. I mentally bitch slapped myself, now she wasn't going to help.
"She's involved with a murder. Only problem, she's the murderer." I said, and started to mentally bash my face into a wall with spikes.
"I'm sorry, Destiny, but I'm not helping with this. Eve wouldn't kill anyone. " Sarah said defensively.
"That's what I said too, but it's true. Sarah, please-" I was saying but she cut me off.
"No, Destiny! After what happened in highschool, that fucked Eve up, really bad, probably the most. After watching her friend get murdered, she wasn't the same-" Sarah was saying and I laughed.
"And neither were you!  Especially me!  Because I was the one there who was trying to stop the fucking bleeding, not you! was the one who carried her fifteen miles, by myself all the way to the hospital, hoping Emily would make it. You and Eve fucking left me! So don't you fucking dare say that Emily's murder fucked Eve up the most.  Don't you dare! When you have to walk fifteen miles in the snow, carrying your best friend's body, covered in their blood, while your other so called "friends" left, then you can say that that fucked Eve up. But just to let you know, Sarah. I was the one who got transferred to London because I had a break down from a case, similar to Emily's, not Eve." I practically yelled through the phone, but started to talk normally at the last sentence. I hung up, and I let out a sob. I quickly covered my mouth, and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to cry. I took in a deep, shaky breath.
"Destiny?" Sherlock asked hesitantly, and I turned my face away from him.
"I'm fine, just give me a moment." I said and I cleared my throat. Then Sherlock turned my body so I was facing him, and brought me into a hug.
"No, you're not." He whispered and I broke for the second time, right in front of Sherlock Holmes.
*Third POV *
If Sherlock had never comforted Eve a thousand times before, he definitely would have been super awkward. Sherlock just clung to Destiny, and Destiny did the same. She wasn't sobbing, only sniffling and the waterfall of tears. She took a deep breath, and Sherlock took that as a signal that she was done crying. And Destiny was done crying. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, and then to her jeans.
"Good thing you don't wear makeup." Sherlock joked, and Destiny let out a laugh. "Right?" She said as she sighed and chuckled.
"Sorry you had to hear, and see that." She apologized but in reality, Sherlock didn't mind that Destiny was warming up to him again, so he simply dismissed it.
"John already told you that I don't judge when people cry." Sherlock told Destiny calmly, and Destiny smiled.
"I'll have to remember that, then." She told him as a thought crossed Destiny's mind.
"Mycroft!" Destiny exclaimed as she ran to her room, leaving Sherlock feeling confused. Destiny quickly went through her closet, and found a red blouse, and black dress pants. She quickly started to get changed, and Sherlock entered, just as she buttoned the last button.
"Good timing, Sherlock." Destiny exclaimed as she started searching for her flats.
"I guess it is." Sherlock said, but only meant it half-heartedly. Destiny couldn't find her flats, so she quickly grabbed a pair of socks, and sat next to Sherlock.
"I need you to text your brother and tell him we're paying him a visit." Destiny said, almost excitedly. Sherlock was hoping the excitement was caused by her previous thought and not his brother. Sherlock texted his brother to be prepared for a visit. Destiny pulled on her socks, and grabbed her black watch. She quickly strapped it on her right wrist. She pulled out her boots from under the bed. She quickly laced them, and stood. Sherlock held out her coat, which she grabbed and pulled it on. Out of Destiny's apartment they went. Sherlock quickly ran to his apartment to grab his coat. As soon as Destiny heard Sherlock's feet pounding down the steps, she was out the door. Destiny accidentally hit into someone.
"I'm so sorry." She apologized.
"It's alright. Really." The girl said, and Sherlock grabbed Destiny's arm, and dragged her to the curb. He hailed a taxi, and they both quickly got in. What Destiny or Sherlock didn't know, is that the woman that Destiny bumped into, watched them until they couldn't be seen anymore. They also didn't know, that Destiny just bumped into Veronica Red.

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