Chapter 27

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Previously on, "My Fair Maiden":
I walked straight to the black Range Rover, and a guy opened the back door. I thanked him, and stepped inside. The guy closed my door, just as I leaned back. The guy walked around, and into the drivers seat. Off to meet with Mycroft. This ought to be interesting.


The driver brought me to a restaurant. It was fancy, but not too fancy. I was led inside by the driver, and he brought me to a table, Mycroft already sitting down, sipping on a drink.

"Mr. Holmes. Nice to see you again." I said as he stood up and shook my extended hand.

"Mycroft, please. And it's a pleasure to be seeing you again too,  Ms. Maiden." he said and I chuckled.

"Please, just Destiny." I said and Mycroft sat. I stood, but he gestured me to sit across from me.

"Thank you, so, what is this about?" I asked as I sat down.

"Yes, it's about your background, Destiny." Mycroft said and I nodded and I leaned back.

"Alright. It's about how I used to be unstable, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes, but I dug a bit deeper, and found out why. So, if you were to do something bad, you may want to rethink if you want your secrets kept unspoken." Mycroft said as a waiter came by.

"Would you like anything else, sir?" The waiter asked, but Mycroft excused him. I smirked at Mycroft.

"Oh Honey, believe me. I am not that stupid. You know my reasons of being unstable. I wouldn't dare do anything to screw with my mind." I said and Mycroft looked at me.

"Alright. I believe you. So, what happened to you?" Mycroft asked, gesturing to my face, and small winces.

"I got attacked. Big girl she was too. Took me by surprise, and beat me." I said and Mycroft nodded.

"Sherlock angered you?" Mycroft asked and I laughed.

"That would be an understatement. I think the real question would be, "Why does Sherlock anger me?". He's always taking the wrong side of the fight, is my answer." I said and Mycroft looked at me, trying to deduce me too. Key word; trying.

"Sounds like him. Well, you must be off." Mycroft said and I nodded.

"I must. Oh, and Mycroft?" I asked as I stood. He looked up at me.

"If I needed help with something, are you a reliable person?" I asked and he shrugged.

"It depends on the thing. But otherwise, yes I am." he said and I nodded.

"Great. Nice seeing you again, Mycroft." I said as I turned and started to walk away.

"You too, Destiny." he said. I walked out, and started to walk towards Baker Street. My phone began to ring, and I pulled it out.

"Hello?" I answered, and I heard loud music.

"I know we're not on the best of terms as of right now, but you need to get here." I heard Sherlock's voice shout over the music.

"Why? Don't you have Eve?" I asked, jealousy poking it's ugly head.

"Destiny, please. Right now, you are more help. We may have found her." Sherlock sighed and I did too.

"Fine. I'll be there in a few." I said and hung up. I walked to the club that Lestrade had texted me earlier. I walked in, well, broke in from the back way, and scanned the club. I made my way towards the bar, and I took off my coat. I sat on a stool, and looked around. I looked towards the stage, girls were dancing in cages, and on the stage.

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