Chapter 6

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My alarm was what woke me up next. I listened to the melody for a little while longer, then I rolled over and turned the alarm off. Staring at the message on my screen.

Welcome to London.

I blinked and the fog in my mind cleared. I began typing a "who the fuck is this?" when another message appeared underneath it.

This is the man that helped you, by the way. Did you catch the crook?

I hummed and sat up on the couch, erasing the old message and rewriting a new one; I did. Thank you for helping me out.

I sent the message and got up, stretching and letting my back pop. I took a few steps forward to my suitcase and crouched down, opening one of them and pulling out a new set of clothes. I trudged to the bathroom and shut the door behind me, locking it.

I set my clothes on the sink and opened the curtain, turning on the faucet and letting the water run before pulling up the tab.

I began to undress when I heard someone knocking on the front door. I sighed as I shut off the water and unlocked the door, swinging it open as I tugged my shirt down and fixed my sleep pants.

"I'm coming!" I snapped at the person who continued to, practically, put their fist through the front door.

I slid the chain, twisted the deadbolt and turned the lock on the handle before swinging the door open, a glare on my face.

"Haven't heard you yell that since I walked in on you and that Derek fellow at that party." A familiar woman jested.

Her smile was ready to dazzle any man who set eyes on her. Her eyes, a dark green, ready to show you what mischief they witnessed. And her hair, although she claimed to be a red head, was more orange.

"Jesus Christ. " I laughed out, smiling at my freckled friend. "Evangeline Silverton; the fire that tickles you pink!" I exclaimed and pulled her into a hug.

She laughed and squeezed me back, I closed my eyes and smiled a genuine smile as I gave a squeeze and let her go, sliding from her arms and holding her shoulders, giving her a once over.
"Would you look at you! Still as beautiful as ever!" I exclaimed and she snorted while rolling her eyes.

"Oh stop it.'

I laughed and pulled her into a hug again, going several years without seeing her has made any anger or resentment towards one another dissipate.

"Where's all your things?" She exclaimed, letting me go and looking around the apartment. I shut the door and stood with my hands on my hips.

"In the process of being shipped here." I stated and she shook her head, looking over at me.

"Should've brought a few boxes with. The movers take forever to get to ya flat."

I chuckled and shrugged. "As you've seen, I'm not too keen on being here."

Eve smiled softly at me and crossed her arms. She slowly walked up to me and searched my face for emotions I didn't tell.

"You know, I think you'll like it here. I know it's not New York. I know it's filled with pompous people, but, if you really try; you can make London your home. "

I held my tongue and nodded my head, tearing my gaze from hers and pointed to my couch. "At least Sarah bought me a couch and a few armchairs."

"Yeah, they're nice. They go with the place. Dreary." Eve let out a laugh and placed her hands on her hips. "Why did you choose this place? It's so dark and dreary down here!"

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