Chapter 5

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I walked to the crime scene, Lestrade spoke with another officer. The officer nodded his head towards me and a few of the officers stared.

"This man? Confessed to killing our man here. He is also a drug dealer. Admitted to that too." I pushed him to Lestrade and he grabbed his arm, putting cuffs on him before he could run. Lestrade ordered the nearby officer to place him in a vehicle and take him to be interrogated.

"Very good. Sarah told me you were good. Wasn't expecting this good."

"Well, I had a little help from Mr. Holmes."

Lestrade raised his brow. "He told me that you figured this out on your own."

"He guided me. I'm hoping there's an officer here to take me to the station? I'm running low on cash from using the taxi system."

"Oh, um, yes. If you wanna wait a few moments, I can give you a ride down there."

I smiled and nodded. "It'd be much appreciated."

The ride to the station was a quiet one. I stared out the window and wondered how long it would take me to map out the city.

"So, you enjoying London so far?" Lestrade asked and I shrugged.

"No offense, I'm sure your city is great, but not really. I'd prefer to be back home." I bluntly stated and he nodded, shrugging his left shoulder.

"It's understandable. You grew up there, made memories there. It's a shock to have to move to a very different setting in such a short amount of time."

I hummed in agreement, nodding my head as well.

Lestrade had pulled into a parking garage, and the car seemed to get even darker. I looked around, trying to think of why Sarah didn't just send me to a different state. I could still get a flight to New York just as easily if I was in Texas or Washington State.

"I feel like I must warn you about Sherlock." Lestrade quietly spoke and I looked to him, my eyebrow raised. "He's... different. Um, he likes to solve cases and gloat and then rub in peoples' faces that he's better. He likes to insult and sometimes it's very... harmful to the mind because he'll say it so much. So, if the bastard ever says anything that may hurt you, don't think too much of it. You're a bright, young girl. Sherlock Holmes doesn't know what he's talking about most the time."

I stared at him and pondered my reply. I nodded my head and looked away. "Well, he hasn't dealt with someone like me before and if he calls me something that I don't like, I'll make it known. And if he continues to say whatever to me, my badge won't stop me from beating the fuck out of him. And since he doesn't work here, well..." I chuckled menacingly and stepped out of the car once I realized that Lestrade had parked. I tucked my shirt in and began walking towards the entrance, hearing Lestrade begin to follow. I opened the door and stepped aside, letting Lestrade enter first.

I followed him up to homicide and asked for the directions to the interrogation room that our killer was in.

Lestrade lead me across the room into a hallway where a few doors were. Most were open, except one and I headed to it. I let my hair down, using my fingers to shake the locks and taking in a deep breath while putting on my "I'm-done -playing-games" look.

I knocked and entered the room, removing my jacket and rolling up my sleeves. I looked to the killer and nodded my head in greeting. I placed my jacket onto the back of my chair and sat down, crossing my leg and dusting off lint from my jeans.

"I was woken up because of this case. Just so you know. So, I'd really appreciate it if you just told me why you killed that man."I demanded in the calmest tone I could. When he stayed silent I rolled my eyes and looked to my left.

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