Chapter 22

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Previously on, "My Fair Maiden":
"Alright. Well, let's get back to the case." He said as he went to leave.
"You can, I'm staying here to help her out." I said and Sherlock looked annoyed.
"Go on, Sherman. I'm sure you'll be fine." I chuckled and Sherlock sighed and left. He closed the door silently and I went to her couch. I lied down, and went on my phone for a bit, texting Mary "Goodnight", and then I leaned back to rest my eyes, but fell asleep.


I woke up with a really bad headache. Congrats, Destiny. You have to work in the morning, and you decide to go drink your problems away. I rolled my eyes at myself and I slowly got up and walked into my living room. I saw John curled up on my couch, and I found my Iron Maiden blanket draped across my chair, so I grabbed it and covered John up. I stumbled into my kitchen, and grabbed ibuprofen, and swallowed two of the small pills with some water. I quietly left and went outside into the main hall. Then I walked outside and stood in front of the building. I just paced back and forth, breathing deeply, and that's when I felt the alcohol deciding to take a turn for the worse. I quickly ran back inside, and practically ran Sherlock over. I fell on top of him, but I scrambled back up, and into my apartment. I ran to my bathroom, and finally made it to the toilet. I lifted up the lid, and pushed all my hair back. I went to take a breath when my body jerked as I threw up. I coughed, and was gasping for air. I jerked forward to empty the alcohol. After the third time, I flushed the toilet, and I gripped the edge of the sink, and pulled myself up and onto my feet. I brushed my teeth, and I stumbled out of my bathroom, and I saw Sherlock in my room.

"As you were getting rid of the alcohol, I gave Lestrade a call. I told him that we were going to work on the case over here. So you don't have to worry about dressing up. Just, please be up by twelve." Sherlock said and he left. I didn't bother, I just crawled back into my bed.
"I'll be up whenever I fucking want to be." I mumbled and fell back asleep.

10:59 A.M

I woke up and I looked around. I sat up and buried my face into my hands. I couldn't remember a lot of what happened.
After I got to the park, and I smoked about six cigarettes, and listened to a lot of Metallica, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, and some Bon Jovi, I had finally cooled down. I was leaned against a tree, with my eyes closed, just listening to "Caught Up in You" by 38 Special, when someone touched my shoulder. I quickly opened my eyes, and looked up, ready to fight the best I can while sitting. But I saw Richard! I smiled up at him, and he smiled back.
"Hey, Richard. How's it going?" I asked as I took out my headphones.
"It's alright. I was just walking to grab a couple drinks, and I saw you. So I wanted to see if you wanted to tag along?" He asked and I thought about it, and I had nodded. I stood up and started to walk with Richard. We got to actually know each other, and we laughed a lot. Richard took me to this nice club and we talked even more.
"So, why were you all by yourself? You looked sad." Richard asked and I looked down.
"Just my neighbor. He kinda pissed me off, so I just quickly left, and you know the rest." I said as I took a swig from my beer.
"Do you mind me asking what he did?" He asked and I chuckled and looked at him.
"Well, I thought he wouldn't have feelings for anyone, but obviously I was wrong. Turns out, he likes my friend." I chuckled, starting to feel tipsy.
"But you like him, don't you?" He asked, and I chuckled.
"Yeah. I guess I do." I said, and everything went blank.
*End of Flashback*

I wonder what else I told Richard. I got up and I walked into my bathroom and I brushed my teeth and I walked out into my living room, and that's when I smelt food. I raised a brow, and walked into my kitchen, to see Sherlock and John talking seriously about something.

"Well that's what she believes." John said through gritted teeth.

"She can believe whatever. It'll most likely be true." Sherlock said and I decided to walk in.

"You guys always fight, huh?" I chuckled as I went to start making coffee.

"Well, when someone doesn't know how to shut up, I get annoyed." John said and I nodded.

"Seems reasonable. So, what're you making?" I asked as I hit the "On" button for my coffee pot.

"Whatever you had for breakfast that was in your fridge." Sherlock said and I chuckled sarcastically.

"Well no shit, Sherlock." I said and John laughed.

"Bacon and eggs." John said and I nodded. I stood up and started to walk towards my room to shower and get ready.

"Thank you, guys!" I yelled out to them as I collected my clothes and walked to my bathroom. I took a shower that lasted for about fifteen minutes, a bit longer than usual. I got out, dried off, and got dressed in jeans, and a black and grey sweater. I wrapped my hair in a towel, and I walked out. I tossed my towel, and yesterday's clothes in the hamper that was slowly filling. I grabbed my socks, and slipped them on, grabbed my combat boots, laced them up, and walked out into the dining room. John just finished setting up the table and I smiled.

"Thank you, John. For everything." I said as I walked to my cabinet and grabbed three cups.

"It's no problem." John chuckled and I made my coffee exactly the way I liked it.

"I'm not usually a drunk, so you don't have to worry about me being drunk all the time." I said as I sat down at the end of the table, so my body was faced towards the front door.

"Even if you did, I'd still take care of you." He said and I laughed.

"Thank you. And know that you didn't have to sleep on my couch." I said and John chuckled as he filled my plate with bacon and scrambled eggs.

"You may have only been here, not even a week, but you're already like a sister to me. So I will sleep on the couch." John said as he sat the plate in front of me.

"Thank you again." I chuckled as he went and poured himself coffee.

"So, what funny and embarrassing things did I do?" I asked as John sat beside me  with his coffee and breakfast.

"You tried talking into your boot, luckily you had your friend Sarah on the phone." John said and I chuckled.

"Well, not the worst thing I've done." I said as I took a bite of the eggs. Sherlock came back inside, and looked from John to me, and back to John. Sherlock walked into the kitchen, and sat beside, but across from John, since I was at the head of the table.

"You also called Sherlock, Sherman." John said and I lost it. I started laughing really hard, and John joined me.

"Oh, that's quite funny." I said as I calmed down.

"It's not funny, judging as my name isn't Sherman." Sherlock said, very unamused.

"We should make that into a code word." I said and John and Sherlock looked at me weirdly.

"I like to make code words. I usually like to use odd names for them, because it's quite easy to put a name in a sentence, but I also have random words. For example; "Odd Thomas" is code for "I am armed.". Or, "Fun House" is code for "Get out"." I explained and they seemed interested.

"So, I think "Sherman" should be code for," I said, thinking.

""If you get free, run."" John said and I thought about it.

"I like it." I said and I looked at Sherlock and he nodded. We finished breakfast, well, John and I did. Sherlock only had coffee.

"Ok, let's get started on the case!" I said as I finished washing my plate.

"I would love to, but I have to go talk to Mary about plans." John said. I mentally screamed, I didn't want to be alone with Sherlock.

"Alright! Have fun, and thank you again. For everything." I said as I walked with John to the front door.

"I will. And no problem, Destiny." John said and left. Wonderful, now I'm with Sherlock and myself. Hopefully I don't murder him.

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