Chapter 15

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"Here are copies of your reports, Des." Sally spoke, bringing me out of my mind. I looked up and reached out, grabbing the olive green folder from her hand and thanking her.

"Not a problem! I'm heading out, you have a good night." She nodded her head and walked to the elevator. I hummed in response and began sending myself the last few links I'd need for research, then I began to exit the pages and close down sites.

My phone began to ring in my back pocket and I reached behind me, grabbing the device and answering without looking away from the screen. "Detective Maiden, speaking."

"Yeah, um, where are you? I've been out here for 15 minutes. " I nearly jumped out of my skin and looked at the time, sighing to myself and logging off the computer.

"I'll be right down, Hun. I just need to pack up my stuff, shouldn't be more than 5."

"I'm leaving after 6." She stated and hung up. I chuckled and set my phone down, putting my computer back in my laptop bag and placing newly collected, and updated, photos into the bag as well, zipping it up and placing the strap over my shoulder. I nodded to Lestrade as I left, stepping into the elevator as the last person got out. I pushed the button for the lobby and stood against the wall, my back leaning on the bar and staring at the ceiling in thought.

She was seen in her backyard, tending to her garden. The only fence she had were the hedges surrounding the plot line between her and her neighbors' backyards. Nobody knows if she ran through someone else's yard or if she left through the house for the store.

"I'll have to visit the house, check for clues and whatnot." I mumbled to myself, closing my eyes for a few seconds and opening them when the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I walked out and to the front doors, pushing the door open and holding it for a few people who were behind me. I headed towards Eve's little silver car, smiling brightly at he as I approached.

"Hey there, Beautiful! How're you?" I asked as i got in the car and buckled my seatbelt. She chuckled and shrugged, turning the key and putting the car in drive.

"I'm great! Work went by fast, which is always great, and I'm super excited and nervous for this date!"

I hummed and nodded at her statement, thinking for a second and shrugged. "Well, there's nothing to be nervous about; I'll behave around Brennan. Or, whatever the guy's name is." I jested and looked to Eve, catching her eye and winking at her.

She rolled her eyes but blushed, muttering a "that's not what I meant" under her breath before looking away and concentrating on the road. The rest of the ride was silent, the radio playing the "today's hits" that I didn't care for. She pulled up to 221 and parked the car, turning the key and unbuckling her seatbelt. I followed suite and opened the car door, stepping out and grabbing my bag.

"Anyone ever tell you that you have the body of an absolute godess?" Eve asked and I looked at her from over my shoulder, corner of my lip going up in a smirk.

"Very few, but I like hearing the words come from your mouth a little better." I winked at her and turned back to the door, twisting the knob and stepping aside to let Eve in. I closed the door behind us and let Eve lead the way to my apartment, handing her the keys so she could u lock the door.

"I didnt tell you this morning; I like what you've done with the place. It's very quaint. Very... you." Eve complimented and I chuckled, closing the door and taking the keys from her outstretched hand.

"Thank you! I'm obviously not done yet, but whenever I get my first day off, I'll do whatever I haven't done. I'll obviously work on it after work, but... yeah." I rambled and moved past her to go towards my room. I shrugged off ny coat and hung it on the bed post, turning to my boxes and sighing. "What kind of outfit should I wear?" I called out and I heard movement beside me, causing me to jump and almost pull out my gun. But I saw Eve staring at me with her big doe eyes and I let out a sigh of relief.

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