Chapter 11

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When I woke up, it was to my phone ringing. I leaned up, the silk sheet slipping down my bare back as I looked around the room and spotted the light illuminating in the back pocket of my jeans. I carefully slipped from the king sized bed and crept to the device, crouching down and pulling it out and looking at the caller I.D., seeing Eve's face on the screen. I looked over my shoulder at the sleeping body in the bed and answered my phone, scooping up my clothes and creeping out of the room before answering with a quiet "hello?"

"Sorry for waking you, Babes." Eve chuckled and I shrugged, as if she could see.

"Its all good. I gotta leave this house anyway."

The line was silent and I smirked as Eve tried to figure out what I meant and then she let out a chuckle. "Just got to London, what? Two days ago and you've already got a fuck buddy?"

"It seems like it. Anywho, enough about-"

"Before you try changing the subject, you gotta tell me if it was good." Eve chuckled and I looked at the closed door behind me.

"It was ok." I grumbled out as I began putting on my clothes again, then heading down the stairs and towards the front door, where my shoes lied. "Definitely made myself cum more than he did, but he was practically wasted, so, what are ya gonna do?"

Eve began to laugh and I let out a quiet chuckle as I shrugged on my jacket and stepped outside into the very chilly morning. "So, what are you calling me so early for?" I asked as I locked the door behind me and closed it, walking down the couple of steps and onto the sidewalk; trying to remember what turns the taxi took upon taking me here.

"Well, I know I'm not supposed to ask you to do this, but I have a body in here. I knew the guy. Cops are sayin' it's natural causes. They found him in his apartment, face down on his bed."

"Ok, well you're the mortician, Babes. What did you find?" I asked as I pulled out my pack of cigarettes, only to find that it was empty. I rolled my eyes and shoved the empty pack back into my pocket.

"Was most definitely not natural causes. I mean, I could see why they would think that; the body is in great condition and he was only 34. But, he was poisoned. I don't know how anyone could possibly even get this kind of poison! It's very hard to-"

"Wait, so if you found all this; why haven't you phoned the police, Eve? Why come to me?" I asked, taking a turn and seeing Baker Street several blocks away and I silently thanked my lucky stars for not letting me get lost on this dark morning.

"Well, I figured you'd still be put on the case. And besides, this will make you look better."

"No, this will make me look like I'm much too good for the police station so I find my own cases." I replied and chuckled as Sherlock came to mind. "I'm not a consulting detective. Ask that Holmes fellow."

Eve let out a snort and I could see herself shaking her head. "You sound jealous."

"No, I sound hungover." I replied with a chuckle, lying through my teeth. I turned onto Baker Street and saw a familiar car in front of the building. I let out a sigh and stopped in my tracks. "Why the fuck are you at my place?"

I paced around the body as the sun began to rise and brighten the white room. "Cyanide?" I tiredly asked, pausing my movements and put my hands in my pockets.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Eve asked from her microscope. I shrugged and turned towards her.

"I've had one too many murders like this." I replied as I leaned forward and opened his mouth, spotting a missing incisor.

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