Chapter 17

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The rest of dinner was silent, very little chatter between Eve and I, sometimes Sherlock and I. Brandon cleared his throat then looked to me, nodding his head.

"I apologize, Destiny. I just get a little jealous of the people Eve is around. She talks a lot about you and about Sarah. I guess I was just hoping there was going to be something I could use against you, to keep myself from liking you."

I chuckled and shrugged, finishing off the wine and placing the glass to the side. "Jealousy gets the best of us sometimes. Shouldn't let that control your life. It makes you an ugly person, inside and out."

He nodded his head, agreeing with me. He flagged down the waitress and asked for the check. "We can do separate, I'll get Sherlock and I." I popped up and he shook his head, asking for it to be all together. I nodded my head in appreciation, thanking him as did Sherlock.

"So, you're the best homicide defective? Tell me more." Brandon asked and I raised a brow at him. I shrugged and a confused smile appeared on my face.

"Well. There isn't really much to say, honestly. I was just really good at solving cases. Hopefully the criminals are as dumb here as they are in NYC." I stated, lifting my water glass and taking a drink.

"Eve tells me you can tell when someone is lying." He brought up and I chuckled, shrugging my right shoulder and looking at him from over my glass.

"Can't you?"

He was silent for a moment then looked to Eve. "Usually." He commented and thanked the wiatress when she handed him the check. I looked to Eve and I caught sight of a dark mark near her neck and jaw.

"I think it's time we said our goodbyes. Eve has an early morning, as do I. I'll take care of this. You two can go now." Brandon stated, pulling out his check book and clicking his pen. I looked to Eve and she nodded, her eyes begging us to listen.

"Well, thank you for dinner. I'll be expecting to see more of you." I stated, standing from my chair and grabbing my coat. I shrugged it on, never breaking eye contact with Eve. "You need anything, Babe and you give me a call." She nodded and I looked to Brandon.

"She won't be needing anything-"

"Just remember Brandon, I'm a detective. A cop. I know when people are lying. I'm sure Eve has told you of my younger days, so you have an idea of how I fucking play; don't test me." I snarled, cutting him off. He just nodded his head and signed his check. I gave Eve one last nod and turned on my heel, walking to the door.

A man opened the door for me and I thanked him, barely waiting for Sherlock. As my feet hit the pavement Sherlock stepped beside me and followed my fast pace, silent.

"I can't do anything without evidence that he is truly abusing her!" I snapped before he could speak, in which case, he sighed.

"This isn't New-"

"Exactly, Sherlock. This isn't New York! I don't know people who know people here. My best friend is no longer the DI. I can't get away with hunches just yet, Sherlock!" I sneered at him, hugging my coat around myself a littler tighter and blocking the cold air from entering my jacket.

"I know people-"

"That hardly counts, Sherlock. If I go barging into her apartment and she's clean as a whistle, the most she does is jump at loud sounds? I'd be laughed at. I hate it as much as you do, Sherlock. Really. Thats my friend. The only one I truly know in this big scary city." I sighed in frustration and looked up at Sherlock who only nodded in reply.

"Now, am I even walking in the right direction?"

"No, I'm afraid not. I didn't want to say anything for fear you'd slaughter me next." I let out a laugh as Sherlock let out a low chuckle. I swept my arms out in front of me, bowing as large snowflakes began to fall down again.

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