Chapter 20

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Previously on "My Fair Maiden":
I quickly snapped open my eyes, and rolled over in my bed, but I had misjudged where I was, and I fell out of bed. My head slamming against the corner of my nightstand on the way down. I groaned as I quickly stood up, and jogged to my front door. I clutched the side of my forehead, and opened the door. I looked up into Sherlock's eyes, and I sighed.


I left the door open, and I walked to my bathroom. I was going to tell Sherlock to make himself comfortable, as I was cleaning the cut on my forehead. But the phone started to ring.

"God, I need to do things, but as soon as I do one, I have another fucking task." I grumbled as I quickly, and sloppily patched my forehead and I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered in a sweet tone.

"I see you've been a good girl." I heard Sarah's voice.

"Of course I am." I said as I carried the phone up to my bathroom. I finished cleaning the cut on my forehead, and properly patched it.

"I was just calling to check up on you. People treating you well?" she asked and I nodded.

"Of course. And your aunt is such a wonderful person. I love her a lot. She's so sweet." I said while smiling and Sarah chuckled.

"I'll be sure to tell her that." Sarah said and I nodded.

"Sounds good. Oh, and have you talked to Eve lately?" I asked as I turned my back to the mirror, and I leaned against the sink.

"Not recently, but like last week. Why?" she asked and I sighed.

"She's just been acting, strange." I said and Sarah sighed.

"You had one of your dreams, didn't you?" She asked and I laughed.

"Yeah. Like, ten minutes ago." I said and I remembered Sherlock.

"Hey, I'll call you back. I have company." I said walking back towards the living room. "Alright. Be careful, and call me soon." Sarah said and I smiled.

"Of course. I always am. " I chuckled and Sarah laughed.

"Now that's funny." Sarah said. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Love you, Bitch." I said and Sarah chuckled.

"Love you too, Jerk." she said and I smirked.

"Bye. " I said and she replied by saying, "Bye". I hung up and put the phone back, and I looked at Sherlock and I smiled.

"Alright, I'm not the best cook, but I'm still pretty good." I said as I walked to my kitchen.

"I'm not here to eat with you, Destiny." he said, quite rudely too.

"Alright, whatever. What's got your boxers in a bunch?" I asked as I grabbed my pan, and I placed it on the stove.

"You." he simply said and I chuckled.

"What have I done this time? Still trying to figure out who I really am?" I asked as I pulled out a beer, and twisted the cap off. I placed the bottle to my lips.

"No. I want you to be nicer to Eve." He said and I spit my drink all over my floor. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"I'm sorry?! Run that by me again?!" I asked as I dropped a rag on the ground, and I wiped the drink and spit off the ground, using my foot to guide the rag.

"You heard me. Be nicer to Eve. She's been through a lot." Sherlock said and I laughed.

"Oh, Honey. You like her." I mumbled as I picked up the rag.

"How cute." I mumbled and I walked past Sherlock and he grabbed my bicep.

"What? " he asked and I looked up at him.

"You like Eve! How cute!" I spit the words at him. I yanked my bicep from his grasp, and walked to my laundry basket. I tossed the rag in there. I walked back to the kitchen.

"Are you done telling me how I should act?" I asked as Sherlock just stood there.

"Gonna tell me that I should just let a thief steal my purse too? Don't chase him at all. Just let him run." I said as I sat on my stool. I took a big gulp from the bottle, and Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"That's not what I mean, Destiny." he said aggravated. I laughed dryly.

"Funny, that's what I hear. I don't see you showing any kindness to John. Not all the time at least." I said standing up.

"John has nothing-" Sherlock was saying when I cut him off.

"And neither does Eve. But listen to this, you come into my apartment, telling me how I should treat my friends. Eve was pissing me off, so I merely snapped at her. John will merely say something, and you'll snap at him. Or you'll yell at him." I said, as I paced my kitchen, emphasizing certain things with my hand gestures.

"You're right." Sherlock said, and he left. He slammed the front door and I sighed. I chugged the rest of the beer, and went to my fridge and grabbed another. I untwisted the cap, and downed that bottle also. I cleared my throat and I walked to my room. I grabbed my coat, and put it on. I grabbed my combat boots and I slipped them on. I tied the laces, and grabbed my phone and headphones. I put them in my ears, and I plugged the cord into my phone. I left my apartment, and shut the door. I didn't lock it, but I did slam it. I walked towards the front door. Just then, John came inside.

"Hey, Destiny. I just forgot to do a couple things. Are you alright?" John asked and I chuckled darkly.

"Not in the slightest." I said as I walked outside and into the crisp air.

"Was it Sherlock?" John asked me before I turned on my music.

"When is it not?" I asked as I walked towards the park, having "One" by Metallica, blasting in my ear.

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