Chapter 19

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Previously on, "My Fair Maiden":
"My apartment. I'm gonna take a nap. Then make dinner. You're welcome to join if you want. Just the dinner part though!" I laughed as I opened the door. I walked out and closed the door. I walked downstairs to my room. I entered the apartment with a yawn. I closed the door, and I walked to my room. I face planted on the black silk sheets. I kicked off my shoes, and I climbed under the duvet, and I leaned my head against the pillow. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep within seconds.
*Third person P.O.V*

Destiny slept peacefully in her bed, while Sherlock sat on his chair, thinking. That's all he seemed to do, is just think. Sherlock thought about the case, but Destiny crossed the path of his mind. He didn't feel anything towards her, but he thought about how she was. Yeah, she wasn't a proper genius like the detective himself, but she was a hell of a lot smarter than Anderson. And Sherlock was so happy for that. He liked how Destiny could say something to a person, and see if she was correct. And most of the time, she was correct. She always guessed, never actually looked at facts, but guessed. Sherlock hoped he could teach her that, at least. Then, a certain person appeared in the palace. Eve Silverton. Just thinking about her, Sherlock felt a pinch in his stomach. His heart quickened just a few beats. He liked how she was quiet and shy. He remembered that night he and Destiny saved her from that horrid boyfriend. When he awkwardly put his arm around her shoulder while walking, and she cuddled into him. When Sherlock and John came back from receiving the current case, and she shyly said hi, he felt another pinch of feeling in his stomach. Then he thought of back at St. Bart's, when Eve was just telling Destiny not to smoke in the hospital. When Destiny snapped at Eve, Sherlock hadn't thought of anything at the time. But now, Sherlock felt anger that she snapped at Eve. Sherlock was going to talk to Destiny about that. The way Eve told Destiny about staying at Molly's apartment, made Sherlock feel sympathy. Did she not want to be around Destiny? Sherlock looked up at the time, and saw it was around 8:00 pm, so he figured he'd go talk to Destiny. Sherlock stood and walked out of his apartment and to Destiny's. Sherlock stayed at the front door, and knocked. After a couple of minutes, he did it again, and he heard a thud. A few seconds later, he heard Destiny's light, but quick footsteps. She opened the door, and was holding the right side of her forehead. She saw it was Sherlock who had disturbed her. She sighed and walked away, but had left the door open for Sherlock. Sherlock entered and looked around at the nearly finished apartment. Pictures hung off the walls, and paintings hung on the new wallpaper. A home phone started to ring, and Sherlock could hear Destiny curseing about not being able to do things.
*Destiny's P.O.V*
I looked to the snow covered ground, and I looked at my hands. They were covered in black gloves. I was wearing my black trench coat, and winter boots. I looked up and saw a group of teens, no one older than 17. Only four looked slightly familiar. I walked towards the group. I saw a younger version of Eve, Sarah, and I. The fourth was... No! No, no, no, no! Not Emily! Please, God! Change the dream, please!
When the dream didn't change, I tried to run, but I couldn't. There were five other guys, and I tried screaming. Telling the younger versions of my friends and I to just run. But they couldn't hear me. I could see younger me telling the guys off. My feet moved closer, so I could hear better.
"Why don't you just leave us alone?! Emily doesn't like your brother! Just leave her alone." Younger me warned, and the guys started to laugh. Suddenly, all of my friends were being attacked by the guys. I could see the leader attacking Emily. While I was fighting off one of the guys, I heard Emily scream. Her high pitched scream sent shivers down my spine. I quickly knocked out the guy that was fighting me, and what I saw, will forever haunt me.
The leader, repeatedly stabbing Emily. Her blood decorating the blade. I heard younger me start giving a blood curdling scream, and she ran to the leader. She jumped on his back and somehow got the knife. She got off his back, and when he turned, she stabbed him in his stomach. His face was shocked. Younger Destiny didn't even flinch, she just shoved, and twisted the blade. He quickly walked backwards, and his friends caught him as he fell from shock. I could hear sobs, and I looked towards Emily. She lied on the ground, breathing quickly. Younger Destiny was by her side. Holding her, once white scarf, to Emily's stab wound.
"You're gonna be alright. Just look at our terribly sexy faces." I heard younger me laugh as tears streamed down her face. Emily chuckled and turned her head towards... Me?
Suddenly, the once blood tainted ground had disappeared, and only Emily was there. She was older. Her black hair in its usual side ponytail.
"You couldn't have done anything. You know that, Destiny." she said in a solemn tone.
"Yes I could have." I choked out. She ran to me, and hugged me. I hugged her back.
"You need to be careful about Eve. She isn't the same as teens." Emily warned, and I pulled back to look at Emily, but saw the teen version. Her eyes wide with shock. She coughed, and blood trickled out of her mouth. I looked down and saw the knife in her stomach. As Emily started to fall, I went to catch her, but a knocking sound woke me up.
End of dream

I quickly snapped open my eyes, and rolled over in my bed, but I had misjudged where I was, and I fell out of bed. My head slamming against the corner of my nightstand on the way down. I groaned as I quickly stood up, and jogged to my front door. I clutched the side of my forehead, and opened the door. I looked up into Sherlock's eyes, and I sighed.
A/n: Hey guys! Ok so, I have a few things to discuss with you.
1. The chick at the top, it's Eve. As it does say that. If you can't see it, please tell me!
2. Just to let you guys know, I update when I can. I'm not going to have a schedule. I would miss the publishing dates, so why bother? I'll try to publish every week.
3. I'm gonna do a question thing, you ask me whatever, and I have to answer it.
4. I already have the ending of this book in mind, but I don't like it. I want to make a second book. I want your awesome opinions on this, please.
Talk... To you... Later.
Random person: "No you won't!"
I love every single one of you! Until next time, my Sociopaths.
-♥ HuntingSociopath .

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