Chapter 7

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I typed furiously at my computer, trying to finish one of the four reports I had made that day. My eyes followed the letters that appeared on the screen, my face frozen in one of concentration. My brows furrowed, my mouth in a frown and my eyelids rarely blinking.

"You're gonna hurt your eyes." Lestrade's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I blinked, feeling how dry my eyes got. I chuckled and rubbed my eyes as I leaned back into my seat.

I pulled my hands from my face and looked to Lestrade who set a cup of coffee on my desk, along with a bagel.

"Donovan told me you haven't really moved since you sat down. Only to get up and get papers ya printed." He chuckled and I nodded, thanking him and taking a sip from the coffee.

I hummed in contentment and smiled, looking to the corner of my computer.

"Eight hours already?" I chuckled as I set the coffee down and picked up the bagel, tearing pieces off and eating them.

"Yeah, funny how time flies when you're having fun, huh?" Lestrade chuckled as he sat on the corner of my desk.

"So, I gave the Chief your files. He's going through them as we speak. " Lestrade informed me and I smirked, nodding my head and finishing the last bit of my bagel.

"Thank you for refueling me, I'm gonna finish this last report and then personally hand it to him." I smiled and Lestrade nodded, smiling back.

"You're welcome."

I grabbed my bag, putting my computer back into my bag and I pulled my phone from my back pocket, sending Eve a quick text that I was done with work.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked towards the Chief's office, file in my hand. I knocked on his door and waited for the irritated "come in".

I turned the knob and pushed the door open, walking to the man's desk. He stared at me, mouth agape.

"Well, I've finished the tasks you wanted me to complete. As you see in those files, they were a lot more simple than you guys thought." I stated as I put the file on his desk and placed my hands on my hips.

"Who helped you?"

I raised my eyebrows in amusement. "A good friend of mine. He resides in my bag." I jested and tilted my head. "If you had somebody here who could solve those cases, you think you'd have them put in the "unsolved" cabinet?" I taunted, a smirk on my lips.

"Now listen here, Miss. Maiden; I don't know what they let you get away with in New York, but you're in London now. Big difference." He snapped, pointing at me. I held my hands up and chuckled.

"Woah bud, to be honest? The only difference is you guys speak... proper. We slang everything." I pointed out and sat down on the chair and crossed my leg.

"I don't know what was said about me. How someone like me can have a job as a detective." I rolled my eyes and waved him off. "I have nothing to prove to you. I was transferred here because I needed a better setting. Better living. I don't want you to sit here and base your thoughts of me on past cases or what others have said, Sir. I want you to base your thoughts on what I do in the present."

I stood up and fixed my bag and held out my hand. "Continue giving me cases that are unsolved, and I'll see what I can do."

I held my hand out to shake his hand, but he sat there, mouth opened and eyes wide.

"When someone holds out their hand, Sir, it's polite to shake their hand." I whispered and he nodded and grabbed my hand, giving it a firm shake. I bid him farewell and left the room, closing the door behind me.

I walked to the elevator, nodding my head to Donavon and wishing her a goodnight. As I stood beside and older gentleman, I pulled out my phone and saw that Eve sent a message saying she was running late and was still at work.

I messaged her back, telling her I'd just meet her at my place so I could get changed and she could do whatever she needed to do after work. I looked up at the ping of the elevator's arrival and let the man on before me. I pressed for the first floor and retreated into the corner.

"Nice ink." He complimented and I looked up, seeing him nodding to my arms. I chuckled and examined the sleeve, slowly turning my arm as my eyes caught flowers and skulls and Halloween cats.

"Thank you. So far, no regrets." I chuckled and he shrugged putting his suitcase on the floor and unbuttoning his sleeve and rolling it up to his elbow. He held out his arm and showed me a dagger that was held with two hands, and the blade went through a realistic heart.

"My wife and I have gone through some things, this was to remind me that sometimes we also have a hand in hurting our hearts." He chuckled and lightly trailed a hand over it. He rolled his sleeve down and rebutted the sleeve and picked up his case.

"Sometimes, people are not helping you hurt yourself, their grip is trying to pull the knife away." And with that, he left the elevator. The doors shut and I began to descend again. His words ran through my mind and I hummed, agreeing with his statement.

The elevator stopped and the doors slid open, showing me the view of the lobby. I pushed myself from the wall and walked out of the elevator and to the front doors, seeing the sky dark and flakes of snow falling down.

I let out a sigh and my breath came out in a puff of white. I looked around as people came out of shops with bags and boxes in hand as they looked for taxis or went to their cars. Hearing people laugh with their friends and shout at one one another made me smile a little as I traveled down the sidewalk.

My phone began to ring and I dreaded it would be Lestrade with a case. I slipped it from my pocket and looked at the screen, seeing it was an unknown number. I answered the phone, nonetheless and held the phone to my ear.

"Detective Maiden speaking."

"There is a vehicle pulling up beside you," a male voice said, and right on cue, a car pulled over beside me. I stopped walking and tried looking through the tinted windows. "I'd advise you not to try anything too dramatic. " the voice said and I scoffed as I started walking down the sidewalk again.

"Says the voice on the phone telling me to get into the car that pulls over beside me." I retorted and hung up the phone, putting the device in my back pocket. I heard doors slamming shut and I grabbed my gun from the belt and spun on my heel, stopping dead and pointing the weapon at the two men in business suits.

"I am a detective, you take any more steps towards me I will shoot." I ordered, my voice clear. They began to reach for their gun but stopped.

I began to slowly back up until there was a corner. I paused and took off running to my left, putting my gun back in its place. I kept taking turns and running down alleys trying to lose the men. One wasn'y too far behind me, no matter how sharp the turn was. As I turned down an alley, I realized it was a dead end. I stopped and let out a breath, sucking in another as I spun on my heel with my fist raised and punched the guy square in the nose.

He stumbled back, shocked and I pulled out my gun again, turning the safety off this time and raising the gun up so it was aimed at his forehead. "Who the hell are you?!" I snapped and the man pulled his hand from his face, seeing the blood on his skin and sniffled.

"Please, Miss. Maiden, it would be easier for you to just follow me." He said, grabbing the pocket square from his pocket and placing it over his nose. I raised my eyebrow and looked behind him, seeing the same black car pull up at the end of the alley. I sighed and looked back to the man in front of me.

I switched the safety on the gun and placed it back in its holster, clipping the strap back and gesturing for the guy to lead the way.

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