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So that's how it was decided. Today was the day we were going to talk about our past. Everything, every detail.

I quickly went over everything that I want to tell him.

By the way he was right about the period stain, I was leaking a lot. It surprised me that I hadn't noticed it.

Anyway, now the time had come to leave my safe cave that was the bathroom.

I had been preparing this since the day way met, but still it makes me anxious to the core. I know him, I know how he reacts and I know he will understand me yet I'm terrified.

It was obvious as I entered my bedroom, the anxiety came from both sides.

"It's time."


"We don't need to tell each other right now."

My voice cracked as I said that.

"Although, I do really want to get it off my chest, I want you to know."

"Okay first of all same, and let´s not forget to breathe and remember you're here and not there, yeah?"

"I don't think anything like a panic attack or flashback will happen but you know what to do if I do."

"Yes, of course. Same for me."

I took a deep breath and remembered the notes I wrote down mentally.

"So, my mom was 19 when she married my biological father. She was in love, and naïve. They had my sister and two years later me. She was 23 when I was born."

I took another breath.

"While my sister and I grew up, my mom and him ended up divorcing. I think I was 6. They decided to send the kids to my mom one week and then the other week we went to my dad. I don't know why they divorced, but I know my dad loved my mom, even after the divorce.
He was so heartbroken because of what happened, he started drinking. In the first few years it was fine and nothing bad happened, he took care of us but then he developed an addiction."

Minho's dark brown eyes looked at me worriedly.

"When I was 11, my mom started dating my stepdad. That's when he started being abusive. He was constantly drunk and hit us, threw bottles of vodka at us and all that. Me and my sister were terrified and just hid the wounds and treated them ourselves. I still have scars all over my body. He hit us with everything he found and if there was nothing it were his hands. He started doing drugs and smoking when I was 14. The whole house smelled so bad, it's a wonder it didn't catch on fire honestly."

Minho's eyes were even more worried, and I started tearing up. My voice shaky.

"2 years ago, after I turned 15, my parents found out. He was sentenced to 3 years in jail, and I haven't seen him in a year."

A lonely tear fell from my eye.

The amount of physical pain that man had caused was nothing compared to the trauma and mental pain I've had. Daily nightmares, panic attacks, crying sessions, hyperventilating, anxiety attacks, medication, the therapists, not having friends because everyone thought I was weird.

It was so so lonely and painful.

Minho hugged me tightly, and I was so thankful for it.

"I will tell my story too. You're not alone. What happened to you is horrible and I know this was hard for you, so if you know my story I hope it makes you more comfortable."

He took a few long and deep breaths, laughed to let off the stress before starting on his story. The sound of it was almost ironic, filled with hate.

"My father and mother were just living together. He seemed like my best friend. But I was so young and I didn't know what was happening. Slowly and slowly he became more controlling. I was 10, when he forced my mom to quit her job, so he was the only one bringing money to our family. That also meant he didn't let my mom spend any money. He would do all the grocery shopping.. but only for himself. There was never any food, I was growing and needed new clothes.. He didn´t let us see our family and he even tried to get me out of school, so I didn´t have any friends. He neglected us, starved us, and just in general made life horrible for us. I was so hungry all the time, for years this went on."

For You- Lee Know x ocWhere stories live. Discover now