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We sat in silence once again until Minho decided to break it.

"So, we talked about cats because i looked for cat adoption sites, what did you do yesterday?"

"Momo and Myunghee came to my house yesterday."

"And what did you do together?"

"We just watched a movie, talked and baked a cake."

"What kind of movies do you like?"

"I like animations, romance and comedy movies."

"I like action movies and animations," He smiled, "when I was young, my mom used to take me to the movies. I always loved watching animations because of that. Is there a reason you like those genres?"

"I like children's movies. When you watch them as a child, you don't realise it but often they show the way our society and capitalism works. For example the Lorax. A fun movie about a city of plastic built on the ruins of a beautiful forest with beautiful creatures. Children learn: don't cut down the trees."

"And adults see?" He asked.

"Adults and teenagers see through it. The Lorax is about how capitalism ruins the world. The Oncler keeps cutting down trees because he wants to make more thneeds, he wants money, until he-"

"Wait, I've never watched The Lorax, I'll watch it today and then tell you if I could get what you mean. What you're saying doesn't really make sense right now."

"I'm sorry, I won't spoil anything anymore."

Like this, we just talked for an hour, about movies we like. While we were walking back to our houses, I asked him another question.

"And? Do you still want to be friends with me?" I laughed

"This is the first time we actually talked but yes, I don't think our personalities are very different and I bet we'd have to still try be eachothers friend even if we hated eachother." he answered, "what about you? If we didn't have to do this for school would you be my friend?"

"I guess? We have so much in common like even the street we live in, that even if I didn't want to be your friend I would still end up to be one. It feels like we're just speeding up the process."


After that conversation ended, I went back into my house, I wrote down what we talked about in the notebook I got from school, made homework and studied. I like to do all of it at once so I can have a day without having to think about school.

Something I find very interesting about myself is how I good I am at concentrating on something, and I make good use of it too.

It was 9pm, I just finished homework for literature when I got a message from Minho. He said that he watched the movie and understood what I was talking about.

I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, my anxiety was getting pretty bad today. When this happens, I always wonder what do I have to worry about?

My grades are okay as long as I work for school, that man isn't in my life anymore and I'm finding new friends so easily.

But anxiety and PTSD don't work that way, anxiety takes over you mind like a poison goes through all of your veins until you can't do anything against it anymore. Well, you can always work on bettering your anxiety but not with poison, but still.

And PTSD is freakishly annoying, frustrating and scary. Any situation, object or even certain words can send you back to those traumatic events. Your unconscious often also likes to remind you through nightmares.

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