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"Hi, hello, my name is Amy Lee. We are from the police, we have some questions we need to ask. I understand that it is hard for you to stand or sit up and you can't leave the room, but that means that everything and anything you hear here is confidential. Are you okay with talking about everything?"

'We' was a woman and two body guard looking guys.

She was a tall woman. She dressed like a math teacher in 2015 and her long hair was put into a delicately made messy bun. She seemed smart and kind, but violently millennial.

I shrugged my shoulders as a reaction to what she said.

"It's fine."

She grabbed a chair and slowly sat down on it, leaning towards me. Her eyes examined me as if she would figure it all out by staring at me.

"Well, first, I think the police has some apologising to do towards you. We failed as a police force to protect you. We truly are very sorry. We wish we could have prevented this all, but unfortunately they were too quick."

"Could you tell us what happened? How they escaped?" Minho asked carefully.

"Yes, of course. So, as you both know, these criminals were able to escape prison. They had planned everything, and knew where you lived. What's important for you to know is how they learned where you lived. I mean, any guesses?"

"They saw our social media and stared at the locations long enough?" I guessed.

The woman shook her head.

"I'll just tell you.  It was an insider in prison. I don't know if you remember him, but mister Lim? Your religion teacher in the beginning of the school year? He admitted yesterday."

"No, what do you mean? We all knew he went to prison because some kids overheard him but what did he do to be put with mass murderers and child abusers?"

"Arson and robbery. But that isn't important. He met your fathers and must've connected the dots after a while. He told them everything he knew about you and helped them escape. This brings up an important question: If you did anything to make him hate you."

Minho was flabbergasted.

"Of course not. We did leave his lessons quite often to go to the guidance counsellor, but he should have respected that. On top of that, it's religion class. Not the most important subject anyway."

"Oh.." The woman seemed a little confused. As if she was expecting more.

A memory jumped into my head.

"Minho, do you remember that one day?"

"Huh? Sora, can you tell me more?"

"Nothing super weird, but he did a lesson on the case of Minho's father. Who he was, what he did, and how horrible it was. The topic of his family came up too, and Minho obviously got triggered by all of it, but back then I didn't know about his past and he didn't want to tell anyone. He kept asking to go to the bathroom to calm down like an annoying amount and the teacher got very annoyed with him."

"But still, I don't know if that's a reason to hate me and tell my murderer parent where I live."

The woman nodded aggressively.

"Good point, Minho. But this man is bipolar. We believe jail could have triggered a manic episode, even the slightest things could have pissed him off to the point of wishing you dead."

"Is it important for us to know that?"

She bit her lip, thinking.

"To be honest, we don't think it is necessary. But you deserve it, to know everything that happened. If it's okay with you two at least, I can tell you everything from our point of view."

For You- Lee Know x ocWhere stories live. Discover now